Friday, July 16, 2010
Post script to today's thoughts....
I wanted to once again re-iterate that I am not perfect. I mess up all the time. I have to ask for forgiveness because I am a sinner. A sinner saved by grace because of the blood of Jesus Christ. The article I had read about scraping was not written from a Christian aspect. I guess what shocked me most was that I ran into this issue first on what was claiming to be a Christian viewpoint. So just in case you thought I was thumping you on the head with my Bible, well, I'm not....
Remember that song...???
"Oh the games people play now, every night and every day, la, la." It's been years since I had thought about that song. It seems there is a new scam to be aware of if you blog - Scraping. I had read an article the other day and unfortunately, due to my menopause brain (or maybe it should be termed thyroid brain), I cannot remember where I read this article. But I found it interesting in the fact that people would actually copy another writer's blog article and pass it off as their own work.
Imagine my surprise when I actually ran into this behavior myself. I had read a friend's blog and because I really admire her walk with the Lord and her witness, I decided to check out one of the blogs she reads. The blog came up and it appeared so dazzling. Latest bells and whistles, cute little pictures and so eye-appealing...So I proceed to read the blog... Hmmmmm....this seems very familiar, wait a minute, I just read this, THIS MORNING! IN MY EMAIL! BY ANOTHER PERSON....authored by that person and nowhere on the blog did this person mention that person. I went back and double checked to be sure. This one person took this other person's article and posted it on their own blog with no link, authorship or credit given to the orginal writer. How much more could you be trying to pass off their work as your own???
Okay, back to the article, and I really wish I could remember where I read about scraping. The guy was upset and I don't blame him. He had put a lot of time into his article, you know, research, verifying facts, just to have someone come along and steal his article and pass it off as their own work. No mention or link to direct people to his site, just stole his work. Then, they act as if they have done nothing wrong and "Hey, man! What's your problem? Why are you so upset?" Pleeezzeee....You can't tell me they wouldn't be just as upset if somebody had stolen their article.
Now, now, remember, you are supposed to share and really, what does it matter?
Why does it matter? Because it is stealing. We are supposed to be Christians. Christians are not supposed to steal, lie, kill, etc., etc. You know, the Ten Commandments.
Hoo Boy, so how do I tell my friend that this blog she found...the person is scraping. It just seems, that in my life, I go from the frying pan to the fire, because I try to live as a Christian should...You know honesty, integrity, do good not evil.... So check your sources before you attribute an article to one person especially if they don't include 'written by' because it just might be written by someone else and they're trying to appear as if they are sooooo intellectual and talented and gifted..."oh the games people play now...every night and every day now, never saying what they mean now, nah, na, nah, nan ,na, nah...."
So for the lack of that person's integrity...the article was written by David Wilkerson and it was from his blog which you can sign up for to receive a copy in your email like I get in mine. and here is DAVID WILKERSON'S article...
David Wilkerson Today
Paul warned the Ephesians, "Be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14). You may think, "This verse doesn't apply to me. My foundation is biblically solid. I'm not taken in by all the new gospel fads and frivolous gimmicks that are distracting people from Christ. I'm rooted and grounded in God's Word."
Yet listen to the rest of Paul's verse: "…carried about…by the sleight of
men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive" (4:14).
Perhaps you can't be fazed by false doctrine. Paul says you could still be
carried away by a whole other matter. He's asking, "Are you tossed about by the evil plans of those who oppose you?"
Paul's message calls us to examine ourselves yet again: How do we react to
people who call themselves our brothers and sisters in Christ, yet spread
falsehoods about us?
When Paul commands, "Be no more children," he's telling us, "Those enemies of yours—the ones who use gossip and slander, fraud and manipulation, cunning and craftiness, deception and underhandedness—I tell you, they're all rebellious children. They're devious and spoiled. And they haven't allowed God's grace to do a work in them. So, don't fall for their wicked, childish games. They want you to react to their meanness as a child would. But you are not to answer them with childishness."
In the next verse, Paul urges us to move on to maturity: "Speaking the truth in love, may [you] grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ" (Ephesians 4:15). He's saying, "You can't help the slights you receive, the hurts done to you, the gossip spoken against you, the fraud and deception aimed at you. Yet, you can use these things to grow in grace. View them as opportunities to become more Christlike. Respond softly, with a meek spirit. Forgive those who spitefully use you."
Imagine my surprise when I actually ran into this behavior myself. I had read a friend's blog and because I really admire her walk with the Lord and her witness, I decided to check out one of the blogs she reads. The blog came up and it appeared so dazzling. Latest bells and whistles, cute little pictures and so eye-appealing...So I proceed to read the blog... Hmmmmm....this seems very familiar, wait a minute, I just read this, THIS MORNING! IN MY EMAIL! BY ANOTHER PERSON....authored by that person and nowhere on the blog did this person mention that person. I went back and double checked to be sure. This one person took this other person's article and posted it on their own blog with no link, authorship or credit given to the orginal writer. How much more could you be trying to pass off their work as your own???
Okay, back to the article, and I really wish I could remember where I read about scraping. The guy was upset and I don't blame him. He had put a lot of time into his article, you know, research, verifying facts, just to have someone come along and steal his article and pass it off as their own work. No mention or link to direct people to his site, just stole his work. Then, they act as if they have done nothing wrong and "Hey, man! What's your problem? Why are you so upset?" Pleeezzeee....You can't tell me they wouldn't be just as upset if somebody had stolen their article.
Now, now, remember, you are supposed to share and really, what does it matter?
Why does it matter? Because it is stealing. We are supposed to be Christians. Christians are not supposed to steal, lie, kill, etc., etc. You know, the Ten Commandments.
Hoo Boy, so how do I tell my friend that this blog she found...the person is scraping. It just seems, that in my life, I go from the frying pan to the fire, because I try to live as a Christian should...You know honesty, integrity, do good not evil.... So check your sources before you attribute an article to one person especially if they don't include 'written by' because it just might be written by someone else and they're trying to appear as if they are sooooo intellectual and talented and gifted..."oh the games people play now...every night and every day now, never saying what they mean now, nah, na, nah, nan ,na, nah...."
So for the lack of that person's integrity...the article was written by David Wilkerson and it was from his blog which you can sign up for to receive a copy in your email like I get in mine. and here is DAVID WILKERSON'S article...
David Wilkerson Today
Paul warned the Ephesians, "Be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14). You may think, "This verse doesn't apply to me. My foundation is biblically solid. I'm not taken in by all the new gospel fads and frivolous gimmicks that are distracting people from Christ. I'm rooted and grounded in God's Word."
Yet listen to the rest of Paul's verse: "…carried about…by the sleight of
men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive" (4:14).
Perhaps you can't be fazed by false doctrine. Paul says you could still be
carried away by a whole other matter. He's asking, "Are you tossed about by the evil plans of those who oppose you?"
Paul's message calls us to examine ourselves yet again: How do we react to
people who call themselves our brothers and sisters in Christ, yet spread
falsehoods about us?
When Paul commands, "Be no more children," he's telling us, "Those enemies of yours—the ones who use gossip and slander, fraud and manipulation, cunning and craftiness, deception and underhandedness—I tell you, they're all rebellious children. They're devious and spoiled. And they haven't allowed God's grace to do a work in them. So, don't fall for their wicked, childish games. They want you to react to their meanness as a child would. But you are not to answer them with childishness."
In the next verse, Paul urges us to move on to maturity: "Speaking the truth in love, may [you] grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ" (Ephesians 4:15). He's saying, "You can't help the slights you receive, the hurts done to you, the gossip spoken against you, the fraud and deception aimed at you. Yet, you can use these things to grow in grace. View them as opportunities to become more Christlike. Respond softly, with a meek spirit. Forgive those who spitefully use you."
Thursday, July 15, 2010
What do you say....
What do you say to someone who is discouraged? How do you help them find their way - Especially when you know this person has been giving it their all to follow the Lord. We all know the story of Job and how God allowed the enemy to test Job. But when it all becomes words and more words and you really don't have anything new to say or just do not know what to say...As much as I have tried to instill in my children that God is soverign and can do whatever He wants, sometimes, it just seems that God is not fair; that He does allow more than what we can tolerate. It becomes really hard when this person is your husband and best friend in life. When you have gone through all the troubles and trials with them and you have no answers, what's left?
Well, well???
I don't know. All I can say is COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS! Start calling to mind all the impossible moments of your life and remember what the Lord, Your God, has done for you. If the whole world deserts you, the Lord will still be there. He is still the one who makes the sun shine and hangs the moon in the sky.
They remind me of His awesome
ways and that He cares when it
appears no one else does.
This picture, of one of our cats,
reminds me God really does care.
How lonely and cold 'lil kitty' appears. Yet, we see God sending warmth by the sun shining through on a bitter, cold day. How much God cares for us to meet all of our needs.
I have to remind myself we really are in a battle. We have an enemy who does not want to see us succeed at anything. He wants to steal our joy and take away our peace. As so many prophecies have said, God is shaking. Yes, I believe there is a shaking going on today and that it is going to become worse as God allows the enemy to test us as He allowed him to test Job.
I look at our trials and thank God because despite our trials and troubles, they are not what some of my friends are going through and have gone through lately. In the dark times, there have been overcoming victories. Life was not exstinquished. Good won over evil. In what most would term a loss, they knew the Lord and their lives continue to give glory to God although they are no longer here with us.
So, I'm praying for all my friends who have been having their own worlds' shaken. I hope they will pray for us and Lord, could you please encourage my hubby today...Call to rememberance those moments in his life when life seemed hopeless and help him remember what great and awesome things our Lord, Jesus Christ, has done for him!
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