Thursday, September 30, 2010


This is a letter that should be read by everyone....

Letter to the FDA

I have to preface this with, I am not a big fan of all of Rense's comments or stories.  I believe Israel is God's chosen people.  Anything mentioned against Israel, I just think, "You guys are siding against God and you will lose."  However, I find that Rense gives news story that give great information that main news media outlets avoid. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Here's To My Health, Part Two

So continuing my story....

I have always had a low body temperature.  It has always been 97.6 degrees or lower...I was always told this was normal.  Not a problem, right?  Wrong!  There is a doctor,
Dr. Denis Wilson, who has found a phenomenon  with some people known as Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome or in other words, a low body temperature. 

This syndrome causes a variety of issues because it has an effect on the thyroid gland.  Now, if you go back and look at problems I have had, it seems that some of my medical problems might have started because of this syndrome.  My mother has this syndrome.  She now has been officially diagnosed with thyroid disease and three-quarters of her heart not functioning.  I believe if she had been treated for this syndrome a long time ago, this would not be the case. 

I'm getting ahead of myself.  I finally talked my hubby into letting me go to a nauturopathic doctor.  I knew several people who had been to her and they all had positive experiences.  Sure enough, I had some food intolerance issues.  Remember that leg rash.  The leg rash that the M.D. did not know what it was or what caused it but he could give me some steroids or Prednisone...No, thank you..."Pills are made to be sold, not taken.."  ...  I had had that rash for five years.  I figured it was something I was gonna have to live with like I did the back pain for many years....within three weeks, the leg rash was gone.  I lost 20 lbs. without even trying to cut back on what I ate...other than avoid the foods that I have an intolerance to according to my naturopath. 

One day, while sitting in her office, I read the sign "Do not take over-the-counter painkillers, allergy medications...etc., etc."  and the thought was 'uh-oh'.  I've taken this stuff all my life.  "All of these medications can cause an impairment with your thyroid gland."   Great!  Just Great!  I've gone and damaged myself for good.  This was before I talked with my naturopath about Wilson's Syndrome.  I was still having some issues.  In fact, I was there because I had been feeling poorly for quite some time.  Getting worse instead of better.  When I first started, I felt great right away.  Then I went on an eating plan to try and lose weight and wound up really doing some damage to myself.  I had been reading about the Wilson's Syndrome and thought I'm gonna ask her about it. 

The reason for this long posting, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER.  Through the dieting, I found that I get back pains if I eat sugar.  I can do okay with small amounts of sugar like honey or maple syrup, but any kind of refined sugar and it immediately shows up in my left hip area which is where the back spasms always start.  Weird huh?  Then after being on the thyroid treatment, I notice almost all of my symptoms are gone.  So between changing my diet and dealing with a thyroid issue which the AMA refuses to recognize unless forced to by strong-minded individuals, I am now better.  So much better that I figure I should tell my story although I know there are some who will label me as another 'crazy conspiracy theorist' who just doesn't know what they are talking about much less being able to document it.  I am talking about years of chronic pain, debilitating fatigue, muscle aches for no reason, taking two or three days to recover from one task, allergies, rashes, headaches, mood swings, (ask my husband about that one ;) ) night vision problems...I'm talking about all kinds of things going on that are now better because of two things diet and my thyroid treatment.   I avoid my food intolerances and I'm receiving a thyroid medication for my thyroid which hopefully will help my thyroid heal itself. 

If you have a low body temperature below 98.6 degrees, try to find a doctor who will help you.  There are some out there who do care.  I would suggest you not pursue this lightly as the medication is not a fix it all.  It really helps those who need it, but it really hurts those who do not need it. 

So with all of this said and shared, I really hope someone might find this useful.  Some websites that have helped me through this are:  Earthclinic , Wilson's Syndrome and my doctors at The Windrose Naturopathic Clinic

I really feel like the Lord, Jesus Christ, has led me to find the answer to my many complaints and illness.  For so many years, my health has hindered me.  I am finding healing not only physically but spiritually and emtionally.  God truly does not want us ill.  I also have found answers at this website, MSG Myth .  May God bless you as you seek to find healing for yourself. 

Here's to My Health, Part One

I apologize...I have debated with myself for a long time whether or not I should blog on myself.  I decided that I have had such improvement with my health that maybe it was worth it.  If I could just help someone else to feel better. 

My health history is long and involved.  It started when I was very young.  I grew up with yearly bouts of bronchitis.  My mother always said "You sound like a hound baying on a hunt."  I had the usual doses of Benadryl, Drixoral, Sudafed, various antibiotics, and numerous trips to the doctor.   I was so thankful for these things that helped me to breathe.  Along with the bronchitis, I had numerous ear infections and when I was five or so, my right ear was lanced to relieve the pressure.  Little did I know that I would carry that scar for the rest of my life in the fact that I have a partial hearing loss due to that little 'minor' procedure.  My father was a pharmacist and he always said, "Drugs are made to be sold, not taken."  I always hear his voice when I receive a prescription from the doctor.  
Then, I got married. 

After a few years of marriage, numerous changes were coming into play in my life.  I changed the way I ate due to the fact my husband would not eat meals 'out of a box'.  He refused instant, processed food; so, I had to learn to cook from scratch.  He is a very good cook himself.  But all this aside, I believe it played a part in why I was not getting sick as much as I did  when I was younger.  However, from time to time, I would still get sick.  One year I contracted the yearly bout of bronchitis.  Same time every year you could count on it showing up.  The cost of my medication, one pill for sixty bucks.  SIXTY BUCKS!!!!  Do you know how much money sixty bucks is???  Well I don't know about you, but sixty bucks is a lot of money to me.  Even now days, I still consider sixty dollars to be alot of money. 

However, as I mentioned in the labels of blog topics....I'm married to a conspiracy theorist.  My dear hubby picked up my medicine, dispensed the ONE pill and within two weeks all signs and symptoms of the illness was gone.  He started reading and what he read I read.  At first I fought him on these issues.  The typical brainwashed response "You don't know what you're talking about..." etc., etc.  The more time that went by, the more natural approaches that I found, the better off I am....Amazing! 

I found that I can drink a tablespoon of  lime juice with one tablespoon raw honey in a cup of hot water and it stops my wheezing.  I can drink a tablespoon of lemon juice with  one tablespoon raw honey in a cup of hot water and got rid of my sore throat.  I can drink one tablespoon of Apple Cidar Vinegar, unrefined, with one tablespoon of raw honey (has to be raw honey) in a cup of hot water and I got rid of my asthma inhaler.  It will also bring up anything that needs to brought up respiratory-wize....  Amazing!!!   No more money spent on costly inhalers.   Again, I hear my father's voice "Whatever you do, don't take the inhalers.  They'll kill you.  Medicines are made to be sold, not taken." 

We met other people who told us the benefits of colloidal silver, a retired Marine Colonel- we use this out in the field;  other herbal remedies, natural took time, many years, and sometimes quite scary episodes of waiting....but we waited and it worked.  It worked so well that very seldom do we have to go to a doctor.  It works, maybe not as fast as the usual route, but it works. 

As I told you, this was gonna be long.  One thing led to another and to another...I found that I was getting better but along side all of this, I had really bad allergies.  Somebody would burn and instantly the smoke would cause a migraine headache.  I would wheeze.  My nose would stop up and basically I was non-functional.  Just send me to bed because the lights might be on, but nobody was home.  On top of this I developed a leg rash.  I was still learning about the benefit of the above-mentioned treatments and had an episode where I was struggling to breathe.  They gave me the usual inhaler.  Over the years, I had developed a back pain.  This so called back problem started when I was around 23 years old.  The first time is still fresh in my mind.  I had had some aches and complaints.  My mother talked me into going to a chiropractor.  After the visit, my back went into a muscle spasm.  My butt and my neck were drawing up towards each other so instead of having an S-curved spine, my spine was curving in the shape of a C.  My mother was driving the car and I started crying and screaming.  Number one, it hurt.  It hurt sooooo bad that I still remember it.  It also scared me, hence the screaming.  She took me straight to the emergency room.  I was  told to undress and put on the hospital gown.  I was examined by the resident in training and told to put back on my clothes.  My mother was out in the waiting room.   So here I am all by myself, butt naked and can't bend over to pick up the panties lying on the floor.  The resident, did I mention it was a guy, came back  and snidely said, "You aren't dressed yet?"  I was soooo embarrassed.  I explained that I could not bend over to pick up the panties.  His look said it all....."yeah, sure...."  But truly, I could not bend over to pick them up.  Much less do anything else.  I was completely at his mercy. 

Okay, this was after my cholecystectomy surgery, what?    I had my gallbladder removed when I was 17.  It was also another bad experience.  So I have learned to not like hospitals or doctors.  However, they do have their uses...but for the most part, I have studied so I would not have to go there so much.  Besides, I like spending my money differently.   Now, many years later, I find out that a lot of these medications caused the other issues.  So from the very first time I took these medications I was setting myself for failure in my health later down the road. 

This posting is turning out to be so long I am questioning on whether to continue, but I do feel it is important. 

As I said, several issues were going on....the back, the allergies, the chronic pain, the skin, stress... marriage and along comes a baby carriage.