Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A Supernatural God....
I decided to post some of the 'experiences' I shared and some people, no matter what, will just not be able to accept that this is of Jesus Christ because it is not in their 'doctrine'. Yes, I am in a battle. A spiritual battle that says 'Wake Up! The things of God are not the things of men.' I started believing in man's word more than God's word. There is a real problem in that because the basic truth is that God's Word, The Holy Bible, is truth, not man's. I have repented and now, once again, find myself alone and forsaken or so that is what the enemy is trying to get me to believe....When the rubber meets the road, where do you go? Do you run to your friend's side or do you head out the door because the situation just doesn't equal up with your man-made doctrine? I am consciously choosing to believe the Bible over what man says.
If any were to be reading this and really knowing what is going in my life, they would know that I am in a battle for my healing. The Bible says that 'we were healed' by His stripes. Whose stripes? Jesus Christ's stripes. It is not in the future tense, it is not in the present tense, and it most certainly does not say 'Lord, IF it be thy will...'. Every single day since I decided to ditch the naturopathic doctor's advice for a diet for me to follow, I have been confronted with "Are you really going to believe God's Word today?" Sure you're healed, Mist. You're hobbling around here in soooo much pain, and the rashes, and the irritability and moodswings, and the dizziness, and the nausea, and the feelings of paranoia which are extremely hard to handle when you 'feel like' you are all alone; especially when I know, if I eat this way, all these symptoms would go away for the most part until other symptoms start showing up because now I am deficient in another area. And once again, I am in bondage. You can eat this, you can't eat that; do this, don't do that and the simple task of cooking dinner becomes a greater chore because my husband is not going to eat it, my daughter can't eat it as she has her restrictions (food intolerances), and basically here I am locked and tied up into bondage because of man's edict. So as Job would say, "Yet though he slay me..." If the Lord chooses to slay me then that is His right as Supreme Omnipotent, All Powerful and All Knowing God. But, I am choosing to believe His Word that says "His Word is truth. He desires us to prosper and be in good health, that by His stripes we WERE healed." Hear what I am saying... It does not give me the right to chunk out and eat whatever I want....I believe there is a sound nutritional plan, but I am having a really, really hard time with my doctor, of the race mankind, telling me I can't have this and this and this.....On the other hand, God's Word tells me you have liberty, do not call anything I have made unclean, do not forbid...
You see, in the past, I used to attend a very strong in Word of Faith Church. I have seen God do supernatural things. I did not always understand but without a doubt it was God and He got the glory, not man. Since that time, in various times of my life, God has done supernatural things for me and my husband. Like the time we were going down the road and there was a deer right in front of us. There was a very thick fog and my husband had seen the deer crossing in front of the vehicle we were meeting. I was concentrating on seeing the road. It was very foggy; the lights of the other car were blinding, and I was focusing on keeping our car in our lane and trying to see in the fog right in front of us that I did not see the deer until right when it cross from the other lane to right in front of us. I did not have any time to react other than take my foot off the accelerator. In my mind's eye, right at that very moment, I saw God's hand come down and scoop that deer's rear end right out the path of our car. My husband was saying, "There's got to be deer fur hanging from the front of the car! We didn't hit it! We didn't hit it!" I told him what I saw...it was like when we as parents are watching our little toddlers maneuver new situations with walking and they walk in front of something, a cart, wagon, swing and we race and scoop them up to get them out of harm's way...it was the same way with the deer. I saw God's hand come down and scoop the deer's rear end up and out of the way.....This happened just a few months ago. There have been many other instances where God supernaturally intervened and provided an answer. There also have been times when I did not pay attention to that little voice speaking and regretted it.
I don't want to be casting my pearls before swine. So initially I said experiences, but I am only sharing this one for now.... I am asking for anyone who might be reading this to join with me in asking for a healing. I need a healing in my physical body. Would you take a stand with me today by believing God's Word over man's word? Likening the story of Joshua and Caleb coming back to say "we can take the promise land" only to be outshouted by those that would say, "The inhabitants are too big, we can't do it." God help me to stand on Your Word, Your Principles, Your doctrine. Help me not to hear the voice of the enemy today.
Friday, December 11, 2009
What's A Christian To Do???
My husband and I found ourselves invited to a gathering a couple of months ago. We were to have a meal and a movie afterwards. Sounds harmless enough right...except the movie was to be a scary movie. As a Christian I really do not think it is a good idea to watch 'scary' movies. I sincerely believe you open supernatural doors when you engage in such behavior. The Bible speaks of taking every thought captive and those things you think on, you have as much done....And also, Christ himself was most of the time found among those who needed him, not the religious leaders of that day. So I felt to go and be at this gathering is totally what Christ would have done.
Anyhow back to the topic at hand, the scary movie and what is a Christian to do? We were invited, we felt we should go, now do we not go because of the scary movie. After all, Christians are supposed to have dominion and authority over ALL things. We decided to attend the event. As I was sitting next to my hubby having a feverent discussion with Jesus over the movie, I was happy to find out that it was based on a 'true story'. It was a movie I had seen previews to but knew that I would not personally go out and buy it to watch. This movie is supposedly based on a true story. I really enjoy 'true movie' contents. Now realize I am not talking doctrine here. I am talking about finding yourself in circumstances over which you really have no say in what happens or doesn't happen and finding the truth that God means for you to find in that circumstance.
Okay, sorry for the rambling, as I was having this debate with the Lord, actually I was praying the blood of Jesus over us because I knew that the movie would either be: A) About satanism, B) about witchcraft or wiccan/pagan, or C) demonic (see A or B) in content. It was getting pretty intense in the movie about this time, and I'm asking the Lord ; "Okay Jesus, what do I do? " As in do I get up and walk out, risk offending the people there, start rebuking the spirits and totally throw the guests in a state of disorder, or sit there and take authority. Right as I am asking the Lord and praying for his protection, a lead character in the movie turned straight on, front face shot, close in to the camera and it was as if he was speaking directly to me. Well, the character wasn't but I believe the Lord was....He said, "Fear NO evil!" It was very stern. It was a real reminder to me of exactly the position we have in Christ Jesus. His Word tells us we have ALL authority and power. I believe we are not to go looking for these situations, but when we find ourselves in them, we are to take authority. God has given us the victory. Fear No Evil!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Nuggets Of Truth...
Today, feeling really down....no friends; at least, that is what the enemy is trying to get me to believe...I get an email from a friend who says...the site I recommended really blessed her. She really needed to hear that particular message. Now, I don't know what message but I can guess. It's the same one I needed to hear. Again, active faith, not stagnant, dead, lifeless.
I could not listen to the live service last night as I wanted to because the time just does not work out for three hour time differences. Their on the East Coast. We're on the West Coast. For now, I am considering them my 'home church' http://www.2timothy22.org/. Take that one however you will...Anyhow, they had a guest speaker by the name of Dr. Larry Hutton (not sure of the spelling, but the author of Long Life). He was speaking on - what is the topic of the moment, FAITH. His Biblical reference was based on the story of Caleb and Joshua...Remember the spies in the land. Two saw God's promise, the others were looking at 'reality'. The nugget of truth I received from this sermon was 'truth and reality are two different things.' Spiritually speaking, truth is what God says in His Word. Reality is our circumstances which we can change by speaking God's Word in our life. I really liked his comment "No, we're not denying reality, We're CHANGING IT!" I pray that I can catch hold of this nugget along with my household. If ever I needed to hear these nuggets of truth it is now!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's All About You....
I should clarify that I have been caught in a time warp. The only worship songs I really know are from the past; hymns, worship songs from when I attended a church and one or two that the Lord just stuck in my heart when I heard them at various functions I attended or the radio. So, I am really out of date when it comes to worship music. I must say that the Lord is drawing me. I find myself playing the piano every morning. The things I am getting are get ready, stand, fear no evil. I am calling my people. Praise me, Worship me - thus saith the Lord.
Thanks to the wonderful-ness of the technology age, I have been able to reconnect with the church I used to attend in my past. It is a wonderful place. There is a freedom there in the spiritual realm that I have yet to encounter in any other 'organized church building'. I have found this freedom in home groups and people whom the Lord has brought across my path, but not per se in 'a church'. My writing is not to bash 'the church'. Some people really have a problem though of thinking of a church as anything other than a building. The buiding is not the church. You and I, believers in the Lord, Jesus Christ, are the church.
Okay, so now you know my mindset...the Lord is calling His people. Take hold. There is another wave of spiritual renewing, awaking. All is not lost. All is not bad. Do not fear evil. Evil comes so that I might conquer evil...this is what I am getting from the Lord. We will see the things Christ speaks of in the Bible. We will see people getting healed, the dead rising; we will also see more 'believers' falling away because of unbelief and lack of faith. We are not to fear and tremble. How much greater is our Lord than all of these bad reports we hear. He has given us the victory. We must walk in it. There it is again, active faith...
I'm getting back to the heart of worship, and it's all about you, it's all about you.....It is all about the Lord, Jesus Christ. If you don't know him, please take time and get to know him.
Monday, December 7, 2009
A New Day....
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Here I am again!
I started taking tae kwon do lessons. My instructors were Christians and I liked their after-class prayer session. I heard about how God was moving and the 'spirit'. It interested me. I heard 'active faith'. She said I should come to this church that she goes to every now and then. I thought, 'why not?'. After all, something had to change...in the meantime, an older lady (20 years older than me) extended a hand of friendship to me. Funny, she went to the same Baptist church I did and she talked about how she liked to visit other churches and there must be more... She talked me into going to another AOG church and I have to admit, I was a little fearful, but then thought well, I always hear about those people who swing from the chandeliers. There must be something that us Baptists just don't have. It is in the Bible, tongues that is. I went and I didn't get freaked out by the tongues. In fact, it was interesting. There wasn't the heebeejeebie feeling there was before. I do believe there are tongues of the devil and there are tongues of the Holy Spirit. I believe my first experience was of the devil and my second, was of the Lord. There was no fear. There is no fear when you know the Lord is in the situation. I can't explain what, I can just tell you how I felt. So at this second experience, they asked who would like to receive prayers to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. All that raised their hands were asked to go to another room to be prayed for, my friend and I went. They prayed. Nothing happened. I was fine with it because I had told the Lord that if it would help me in my prayer life and He wanted me to have it, then please give it to me; if it would not help me and he didn't want me to have it, then it would not happen. So it really didn't bother me when I left the building the same person. However, what happened later on that night changed my life forever. I woke myself up, sitting up in bed at 12 o'clock midnight, speaking in tongues. Wow! A Baptist, speaking in tongues, no more did I fit in where I was going to church. So with some sadness I started looking for elsewhere to go. Because I did love these people, I just wanted more of God, more of what I read in the Bible, power, overcomers, conquerors through Christ Jesus. I heard of a Baptist Church that was in a nearby city where supposedly the Spirit was free-er. I went there, but it really didn't draw me. I heard about a church on the other side of the nearby city, but it was a really, really big church and I tried it, but it didn't draw me. Then I heard about one on the other side of the lake from that big church and my instructor in TKD was attending from time to time. She said the Holy Spirit is alive in that church. I went there to see and immediately I was at home. They didn't swing from the chandeliers but I could easily see how others who had never experienced such things could think this was so. My life was forever changed. Instead of just a okay Lord this must be your will...I became an 'active faith' believer. God is active. His gifts are still in operation. The tongues have not passed away. He still moves supernaturally. The chains of legalistic doctrine were broken. I attended this church for just over six years. I met my husband there. We were married there.
One week before my husband and I were to be married, everyone, I mean everyone that was on the board of 'that church' left the church. Every one on the board of that church was in our wedding party. We only know one side of the story as the pastors shared with us what had happened...if anyone knows 'truth' there are always three sides. Your side, their side, and the truth. You know, God's side. We don't understand all that happened. The pastors of the church were the only ones who would speak to us about it. As I said every one who was to be in our wedding that attended that church, except for my best friend for life who I had grown up with in the Baptist church, went to that church. My husband was extremely hurt by this. I handled it better but only because I had more supportive family which is really weird because I have, in the last couple of years, found out how dysfunctional my family really is....For the sake of our marriage ceromony, all sides agreed to be amicable and 'get through the ceromony'...it still hurts to this day. My husband never really recovered from this, but we did notice a certain attitude. Due to his career we wound up moving away from the area. We tried different churches, but again, we would run into this attitude of nicolaity. If you don't know of anything God hates, you had better read up on this one. God hates the nicolatians. He says so in His Word. The definition is those who 'lord over you'. It seemed that everywhere we went someone was trying to put a ball and chain on us and lord their 'knowledge' over us. You know, we are more spiritual than you because we have such and such degrees behind our names. Through the years, we have grown closer to the Lord, read our Bibles more, have a closer relationship with the Lord than we ever did while in 'church'. I find that too many 'church-going Christians' like to wear masks. And brother, if you talk about such things, you must not be a Christian. I dislike very much when someone is so busy about telling me you can't do that and be a Christian when they are so bound up in their doctrines and Christ came to give us liberty. I read a book and truly, I hate the title of the book, it is named "Come Out of Her, My People, the Harlot Church System". Most Christians cringe and I cringe when I mention the name of this book. But this book is all about how people let the 'church' steal their relationship from Christ. How they take on whatever job asked of them instead of really waiting and seeing if that is what the Lord would have you do. I try to walk obedient to the Lord. That doesn't mean I don't mess up. I mess up all the time.
Okay, hopefully, now you will see some of what has made me into the person I am today. You can't convince me the gifts aren't in operation. There have been too many supernatural events happen in my life for it not to be so; more so than just the speaking in tongues. There has been a lot of water flow under this bridge. I am flexible but you had better have a good, scriptural reason, and that includes the whole chapter before and the whole chapter after whatever Bible verse you are talking to me about with two other verses confirming it before I might change. If I don't agree with you, can't we agree to disagree? and still be friends.