I have really been in a strange mood lately. I don't know whether it is the weather or the time of year. I don't know if it is because I am so far from my family or the circumstances that have played out in my life that make me feel like I do. However, I am happy to say, "The Bully has not won!" God is great. He is mighty. He has been showing me that I do not have to be panicked and running around in fear. It is really quite a liberating experience.
When you see someone or some thing attacking someone or something you love or care for very deeply, it can be very fearful. My usual response would be to run around and ask everyone to pray for such and such. This time, my Lord, Jesus Christ, told me "Be still and know I am Lord." This is not normal for me. I usually find any and everyone to pray. I call and ask; I do not sit still and do nothing. However, this time I was led to do absolutely nothing. Don't talk to anyone, don't call, be still and know that I am Lord and I will take care of you. It was scary. I was like, "Lord, don't you want me to call my sisters in the Lord?" No, nothing. Just calm assurance that "I will lead you out of this storm as I have led you out of other storms."
My husband and I both have had bullies in our lives. It has taken us a long time to learn to stand up to the bully. We are still learning. It is a very liberating experience. I have never felt as I do now....While I know I can do nothing in and of myself or by myself, I do know that I can do anything with Jesus Christ even face a storm of life alone with only Him or face a bully. No matter how much I may feel alone, I now know truly - I am not alone nor am I ever alone as He says in His word, "I will never leave you or forsake you."
If you are facing bullies in your life, I have two books for you aside from the Bible, "Confronting the Jezebel Spirit, How to Defeat the Spirit of Control and Manipulation" by Steve Sampson and "Boundaries, How to Say No and Take Control of Your Life" by Drs. Townsend and Clark. The Lord has brought such emotional healing in my life by the advice offered in these two books. No one is paying me to sell this or say this. I am offering what I have learned for free. God lifts and promotes. He sets up and appoints rulers. He is in control. He takes care of His people.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
More on the Thyroid....
I truly believe God directs all of our steps. The ways of a righteous man or woman's steps will be ordered by the Lord, He says so in His word.
I find it very interesting that at various times in my life, God has answered my prayers and the circumstances are so specific that I know it was Him. I was searching and reading, searching and reading, tired of all the researching and reading. Circles upon circles of information; feeling like a black hole that was continually enlarging and I was being sucked down into the vortex of this black hole with no escape. I was saying to my self, "Self, I don't like what I see." I see this group (thyroid issue people) talking about splitting dosages and taking supplements and doing this and doing that - all to compensate for dosing their thyroid gland to try and avoid problems that come up with their medications and their medical condition, whether hypo or hyperthyroid. I then am reading on the MSG board and see where people have done this or that...and then, I heard the Lord say to me, "B12." I'm like, "what???"
I finished round #2 of my thyroid medication two weeks and one day ago. It was quite an interesting experience. First off, I did have the 'return with a vengence syndrome' that the thyroid people said would happen. Next, I didn't quite calulate right and had to drop my dosage down faster than what I would like due to not having enough medication to get through and when I called in for my refill....well, I miscalculated. Due to family emergencies and trips out of town, having to ship in your medication from a completely different state than where you live; not to mention a state that is all the way across the United States from where you live and then running out of medication for one whole day before the package would get here, so I had to again drop the dose quickly to at least have some in my system......so after getting really upset with myself for doing something so stupid as that and just the general frustration and then reading and trying to understand what and how the thyroid people were having to track their dosage...I was just tired of it all. During the second round I had another blood panel drawn. The doc has been very helpful. In fact, all of them have been very helpful, the thyroid board people, the MSG people but no one like the Lord.
So, I was sitting at home still waiting for the results of the lab tests which were to show what was deficient along with the thyroid issues. While waiting, I had been reading (see above)...But two very interesting points or connections that I made while waiting for my results were the facts: 1. MSG is an endocrine disruptor. 2. MSG can cause cascading effects. Hmmm, thyroid - endocrine...hmmmmm cascading effect - leaky gut symptoms. So I am combing the MSG board for similar issues. Then I go to the thyroid board and get thoroughly upset at the prospect of having to split doses and manage this and manage that....seriously, I don't know how these people do it all along with working, living and life.
So I sit here telling myself and by this time talking with the Lord, "Lord, I don't want to have to live this way." I heard "B12". Huh? "B12" ..."okaaaayyyy" Yea, it can't be that simple right? That's what so neat about God, it was that simple. The very same day...in fact, about 30 minutes later I received the lab results and guess what...Yep, the B12 level was low. I had also happened across an article where people where receiving healing from supplementing B12. We're talking about serious healings of multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease....and some other heavy hitters along with thyroid disorders. They also explained how it had to be a certain form of B12 as not everyone can convert the usual B12...again I figured I fit in to that group considering that I had already had issues with leaky gut type symptoms.
So, I'm taking the B12 in the absorbable form, trying my best to stay away from MSG in any way, shape or form (dreading the Holidays for food issues), and generally overall, I'm doing much better. I have a better, over-all feeling of well-being instead of the something seriously is wrong with me syndrome. I am learning to trust in the Lord with my whole heart and lean not unto my own understanding in so many areas in my life. I know that sounds like pat, little cliches, but truly, He is showing me that he has numbered the hairs on my head and he knows me and cares about all of my issues, not just some. He has answered and is answering our prayers as a family. I don't know why I have to be reminded of who He is and what He has done. I know this. He has never ever let us down or let us go without. But once again, it is written and recorded. God has answered my prayer.
I know these are scary times we are living in...every day we read more and more that leads us to "look up for our redemption draweth nigh." I really believe He is teaching us to stand and not to be fearful. Why should we be fearful when the God who created all things and can do all things, knows all things, and overcame all things is telling us He loves us and care about us. The only thing we really need to fear is Him.
I find it very interesting that at various times in my life, God has answered my prayers and the circumstances are so specific that I know it was Him. I was searching and reading, searching and reading, tired of all the researching and reading. Circles upon circles of information; feeling like a black hole that was continually enlarging and I was being sucked down into the vortex of this black hole with no escape. I was saying to my self, "Self, I don't like what I see." I see this group (thyroid issue people) talking about splitting dosages and taking supplements and doing this and doing that - all to compensate for dosing their thyroid gland to try and avoid problems that come up with their medications and their medical condition, whether hypo or hyperthyroid. I then am reading on the MSG board and see where people have done this or that...and then, I heard the Lord say to me, "B12." I'm like, "what???"
I finished round #2 of my thyroid medication two weeks and one day ago. It was quite an interesting experience. First off, I did have the 'return with a vengence syndrome' that the thyroid people said would happen. Next, I didn't quite calulate right and had to drop my dosage down faster than what I would like due to not having enough medication to get through and when I called in for my refill....well, I miscalculated. Due to family emergencies and trips out of town, having to ship in your medication from a completely different state than where you live; not to mention a state that is all the way across the United States from where you live and then running out of medication for one whole day before the package would get here, so I had to again drop the dose quickly to at least have some in my system......so after getting really upset with myself for doing something so stupid as that and just the general frustration and then reading and trying to understand what and how the thyroid people were having to track their dosage...I was just tired of it all. During the second round I had another blood panel drawn. The doc has been very helpful. In fact, all of them have been very helpful, the thyroid board people, the MSG people but no one like the Lord.
So, I was sitting at home still waiting for the results of the lab tests which were to show what was deficient along with the thyroid issues. While waiting, I had been reading (see above)...But two very interesting points or connections that I made while waiting for my results were the facts: 1. MSG is an endocrine disruptor. 2. MSG can cause cascading effects. Hmmm, thyroid - endocrine...hmmmmm cascading effect - leaky gut symptoms. So I am combing the MSG board for similar issues. Then I go to the thyroid board and get thoroughly upset at the prospect of having to split doses and manage this and manage that....seriously, I don't know how these people do it all along with working, living and life.
So I sit here telling myself and by this time talking with the Lord, "Lord, I don't want to have to live this way." I heard "B12". Huh? "B12" ..."okaaaayyyy" Yea, it can't be that simple right? That's what so neat about God, it was that simple. The very same day...in fact, about 30 minutes later I received the lab results and guess what...Yep, the B12 level was low. I had also happened across an article where people where receiving healing from supplementing B12. We're talking about serious healings of multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease....and some other heavy hitters along with thyroid disorders. They also explained how it had to be a certain form of B12 as not everyone can convert the usual B12...again I figured I fit in to that group considering that I had already had issues with leaky gut type symptoms.
So, I'm taking the B12 in the absorbable form, trying my best to stay away from MSG in any way, shape or form (dreading the Holidays for food issues), and generally overall, I'm doing much better. I have a better, over-all feeling of well-being instead of the something seriously is wrong with me syndrome. I am learning to trust in the Lord with my whole heart and lean not unto my own understanding in so many areas in my life. I know that sounds like pat, little cliches, but truly, He is showing me that he has numbered the hairs on my head and he knows me and cares about all of my issues, not just some. He has answered and is answering our prayers as a family. I don't know why I have to be reminded of who He is and what He has done. I know this. He has never ever let us down or let us go without. But once again, it is written and recorded. God has answered my prayer.
I know these are scary times we are living in...every day we read more and more that leads us to "look up for our redemption draweth nigh." I really believe He is teaching us to stand and not to be fearful. Why should we be fearful when the God who created all things and can do all things, knows all things, and overcame all things is telling us He loves us and care about us. The only thing we really need to fear is Him.
Friday, October 22, 2010
My Most Valueble Piece of Jewelry....
I walked in to my bedroom this morning and was thinking about an upcoming trip and the need to pack. Did I want to take any of my jewelry? What would I leave behind?
I have quite a few trinkets, baubles, and other pieces of jewelry; nothing of any real worth, but like everyone else valuable to me due to the memories attached. After twenty-one years of marriage and the mother of two teenagers it dawned on me what I would answer to someone if they asked to see my most valuable piece. Would you like to see it?
I have quite a few trinkets, baubles, and other pieces of jewelry; nothing of any real worth, but like everyone else valuable to me due to the memories attached. After twenty-one years of marriage and the mother of two teenagers it dawned on me what I would answer to someone if they asked to see my most valuable piece. Would you like to see it?
It is not sparkly. It doesn't quite catch the eyes of jewelry connosieurs. But, it will catch a mother's heart. Here is it....my most valueable piece of jewelry.
I have wasted so many years wishing for other things when I really should have been valuing what is right before my very eyes. I pray you learn from my mistakes. When you hear people saying treasure what is right before you, please do so...you never know how much longer you might have that person or thing in your life.
My daughter made this crochet'd necklace for me when she was eight or nine years old. I really can't remember it has been so long ago. But, I realized that my little girl is no longer a little girl. I can't go back and get over my pride to wear something my daughter made especially for me. I will tell you now though, it is my most valuable piece of jewelry in my collection. I also realize that I did not always have a mother's heart. I learned well the ways of the world that would steal a wife from home and her family. I did not value my husband or family as I should. May God forgive me and may my family forgive me. As time passes, my children are almost grown and I will be returning to the world of work. I hope that I will remember the lessons learned and hope that other mothers will be able to have the opportunity that I have had by being blessed to be a stay-at-home mother.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Allergies, Food Intolerances or Thyroid??? That is the Question....
Well, I have just ended round #1 of the liothyronine (natural T3, T4) medication. I can tell it too. My symptoms came back full force, raging, before I was even off the medication but at a very low dose. It really is not very fun. For instance, today: My usual day runs - Up at 4:00 a.m., cook breakfast and pack a lunch for hubby; have my quiet time, breakfast, wait for the children (now one child) to get up and start our home schooling day. Priorities are set. Whatever needs to be done in the way of housework gets done and so on and so forth goes our day. I have been doing this for ten years...Before that, it was get up at 3:00 a.m., go to work, hubby wakes up; I stop work, fix his breakfast, get him out the door, get child number one up, fix her breakfast and out the door to school, go back to work and wait for child two to wake up. Child two wakes up and then I stop work for the day so I can spend time with him...That was my life for ten years before the last eleven years which is how many years I have been home schooling.
Why is this topic under "He's Married to a Multi-Sensitivity Chemical Allergic Type Person"... you ask...Well. I wanted you to know I don't and never did just sit around at home doing nothing. So many times in my life I have heard, you need to get up and be more active. Come to find out, there is a reason I am always so tired, always in so much pain, always why the back is hurting and I have muscle aches and pains that never go away so much so that if I do something major say like gardening, it takes me two or three days to get over that one day of gardening. I have what is known as Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome. I run a low body temperature and because of it, it affects my thyroid gland.
Within the last, I don't know, four or five years, maybe even six or seven...I have had escalating symptoms. I had a leg rash that would not go away. I became allergic to my allergies...hay fever symptoms multiplied...asthma flaring all the time, chronic fatigue, muscle aches and pains, a back that was out more than it was in, headaches,... just a miserable person. Well, I finally went to the naturopath because all the medical doctors just kept wanting to give me Prednisone but could never give me an answer for what "it" was. I'm a person who does not like to take medicine if I can help it especially medicine that has really bad side effects. So I was tested for food intolerances and yes, I have some. I changed my diet. It helped. But then I started getting more scary symptoms....
This morning, for example, I had to have a nap at 9:30 a.m. ??? A Nap??? Seriously, that early in the day....So then I have this weird feeling going along with it. My head feels all numb, kind of a half asleep feeling you know pins and needles...and my tongue feels like it is drawing up to the roof of my mouth....The funny thing was that I was doing this before I started the thyroid medication and after starting the medication all these symptoms went away. The flashy lights in my peripheral vision, this weird feeling and the passing out because when I get this way, I'm going out whether I chose to or not. If I sit in a chair, I'll just fall asleep. Ask me how I know...And it is not like a fall asleep/wake up feeling. It is a 'your out and down for the count' feeling. I know because my children have awakened me and although I was awake, I had to struggle to 'wake up'. So it is either one of two things....the sour cream I ate at breakfast or the thyroid issue....Yes, there are things in certain foods that knock me out such as I described. So I have a new brand of sour cream and I need to figure out if it was the sour cream or the medicine. Although the symptoms kind of all went away while I was at a higher dose of medication. But maybe it was a fluke and it is the sour cream....see how dodgy life gets with a multi-sensitive chemical disorder person. You can go here and read how certain food chemicals have affected others....MSG-Myth And just try to find a doctor who understands this....I have yet to find someone on my insurance plan...the naturopath is another who does but no coverage on my insurance for them.
Anyhow, I'm waiting to start round #2 of my medication which I will be doing in the next day or so...They hope they can jump-start my thyroid gland to working properly. But it appears that all of the above symptoms mentioned, the many more that are listed with thyroid issues and many more that I have that I didn't list, all go away when I am on the medication. My husband even commented on the Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde personna that I seem to have developed which makes me sad. I certainly didn't mean for my family to have to suffer and then to be told for so many years, "It's all in your head." Yeah, riiggghtt, Doc...! Thanks a lot....
Anyhow, not to focus on negatives, I am just trying to state that I have been through quite a bit and I can tell the good days from the bad. I know what it feels like now to feel good and I want that all the time. I'm tired of feeling bad. I have had many, many years of feeling bad. My children have had to deal with 'sick mom' all their life. My husband has had to deal with 'sick wife' all of our 21 years of marriage. I am a little bit mad that these things were stolen from me. I thank the Lord, He is restoring my health to me by allowing me to find these things that are working.
Why is this topic under "He's Married to a Multi-Sensitivity Chemical Allergic Type Person"... you ask...Well. I wanted you to know I don't and never did just sit around at home doing nothing. So many times in my life I have heard, you need to get up and be more active. Come to find out, there is a reason I am always so tired, always in so much pain, always why the back is hurting and I have muscle aches and pains that never go away so much so that if I do something major say like gardening, it takes me two or three days to get over that one day of gardening. I have what is known as Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome. I run a low body temperature and because of it, it affects my thyroid gland.
Within the last, I don't know, four or five years, maybe even six or seven...I have had escalating symptoms. I had a leg rash that would not go away. I became allergic to my allergies...hay fever symptoms multiplied...asthma flaring all the time, chronic fatigue, muscle aches and pains, a back that was out more than it was in, headaches,... just a miserable person. Well, I finally went to the naturopath because all the medical doctors just kept wanting to give me Prednisone but could never give me an answer for what "it" was. I'm a person who does not like to take medicine if I can help it especially medicine that has really bad side effects. So I was tested for food intolerances and yes, I have some. I changed my diet. It helped. But then I started getting more scary symptoms....
This morning, for example, I had to have a nap at 9:30 a.m. ??? A Nap??? Seriously, that early in the day....So then I have this weird feeling going along with it. My head feels all numb, kind of a half asleep feeling you know pins and needles...and my tongue feels like it is drawing up to the roof of my mouth....The funny thing was that I was doing this before I started the thyroid medication and after starting the medication all these symptoms went away. The flashy lights in my peripheral vision, this weird feeling and the passing out because when I get this way, I'm going out whether I chose to or not. If I sit in a chair, I'll just fall asleep. Ask me how I know...And it is not like a fall asleep/wake up feeling. It is a 'your out and down for the count' feeling. I know because my children have awakened me and although I was awake, I had to struggle to 'wake up'. So it is either one of two things....the sour cream I ate at breakfast or the thyroid issue....Yes, there are things in certain foods that knock me out such as I described. So I have a new brand of sour cream and I need to figure out if it was the sour cream or the medicine. Although the symptoms kind of all went away while I was at a higher dose of medication. But maybe it was a fluke and it is the sour cream....see how dodgy life gets with a multi-sensitive chemical disorder person. You can go here and read how certain food chemicals have affected others....MSG-Myth And just try to find a doctor who understands this....I have yet to find someone on my insurance plan...the naturopath is another who does but no coverage on my insurance for them.
Anyhow, I'm waiting to start round #2 of my medication which I will be doing in the next day or so...They hope they can jump-start my thyroid gland to working properly. But it appears that all of the above symptoms mentioned, the many more that are listed with thyroid issues and many more that I have that I didn't list, all go away when I am on the medication. My husband even commented on the Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde personna that I seem to have developed which makes me sad. I certainly didn't mean for my family to have to suffer and then to be told for so many years, "It's all in your head." Yeah, riiggghtt, Doc...! Thanks a lot....
Anyhow, not to focus on negatives, I am just trying to state that I have been through quite a bit and I can tell the good days from the bad. I know what it feels like now to feel good and I want that all the time. I'm tired of feeling bad. I have had many, many years of feeling bad. My children have had to deal with 'sick mom' all their life. My husband has had to deal with 'sick wife' all of our 21 years of marriage. I am a little bit mad that these things were stolen from me. I thank the Lord, He is restoring my health to me by allowing me to find these things that are working.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
This is a letter that should be read by everyone....
Letter to the FDA
I have to preface this with, I am not a big fan of all of Rense's comments or stories. I believe Israel is God's chosen people. Anything mentioned against Israel, I just think, "You guys are siding against God and you will lose." However, I find that Rense gives news story that give great information that main news media outlets avoid.
Letter to the FDA
I have to preface this with, I am not a big fan of all of Rense's comments or stories. I believe Israel is God's chosen people. Anything mentioned against Israel, I just think, "You guys are siding against God and you will lose." However, I find that Rense gives news story that give great information that main news media outlets avoid.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Here's To My Health, Part Two
So continuing my story....
I have always had a low body temperature. It has always been 97.6 degrees or lower...I was always told this was normal. Not a problem, right? Wrong! There is a doctor,
Dr. Denis Wilson, who has found a phenomenon with some people known as Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome or in other words, a low body temperature.
This syndrome causes a variety of issues because it has an effect on the thyroid gland. Now, if you go back and look at problems I have had, it seems that some of my medical problems might have started because of this syndrome. My mother has this syndrome. She now has been officially diagnosed with thyroid disease and three-quarters of her heart not functioning. I believe if she had been treated for this syndrome a long time ago, this would not be the case.
I'm getting ahead of myself. I finally talked my hubby into letting me go to a nauturopathic doctor. I knew several people who had been to her and they all had positive experiences. Sure enough, I had some food intolerance issues. Remember that leg rash. The leg rash that the M.D. did not know what it was or what caused it but he could give me some steroids or Prednisone...No, thank you..."Pills are made to be sold, not taken.." ... I had had that rash for five years. I figured it was something I was gonna have to live with like I did the back pain for many years....within three weeks, the leg rash was gone. I lost 20 lbs. without even trying to cut back on what I ate...other than avoid the foods that I have an intolerance to according to my naturopath.
One day, while sitting in her office, I read the sign "Do not take over-the-counter painkillers, allergy medications...etc., etc." and the thought was 'uh-oh'. I've taken this stuff all my life. "All of these medications can cause an impairment with your thyroid gland." Great! Just Great! I've gone and damaged myself for good. This was before I talked with my naturopath about Wilson's Syndrome. I was still having some issues. In fact, I was there because I had been feeling poorly for quite some time. Getting worse instead of better. When I first started, I felt great right away. Then I went on an eating plan to try and lose weight and wound up really doing some damage to myself. I had been reading about the Wilson's Syndrome and thought I'm gonna ask her about it.
The reason for this long posting, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. Through the dieting, I found that I get back pains if I eat sugar. I can do okay with small amounts of sugar like honey or maple syrup, but any kind of refined sugar and it immediately shows up in my left hip area which is where the back spasms always start. Weird huh? Then after being on the thyroid treatment, I notice almost all of my symptoms are gone. So between changing my diet and dealing with a thyroid issue which the AMA refuses to recognize unless forced to by strong-minded individuals, I am now better. So much better that I figure I should tell my story although I know there are some who will label me as another 'crazy conspiracy theorist' who just doesn't know what they are talking about much less being able to document it. I am talking about years of chronic pain, debilitating fatigue, muscle aches for no reason, taking two or three days to recover from one task, allergies, rashes, headaches, mood swings, (ask my husband about that one ;) ) night vision problems...I'm talking about all kinds of things going on that are now better because of two things changed...my diet and my thyroid treatment. I avoid my food intolerances and I'm receiving a thyroid medication for my thyroid which hopefully will help my thyroid heal itself.
If you have a low body temperature below 98.6 degrees, try to find a doctor who will help you. There are some out there who do care. I would suggest you not pursue this lightly as the medication is not a fix it all. It really helps those who need it, but it really hurts those who do not need it.
So with all of this said and shared, I really hope someone might find this useful. Some websites that have helped me through this are: Earthclinic , Wilson's Syndrome and my doctors at The Windrose Naturopathic Clinic.
I really feel like the Lord, Jesus Christ, has led me to find the answer to my many complaints and illness. For so many years, my health has hindered me. I am finding healing not only physically but spiritually and emtionally. God truly does not want us ill. I also have found answers at this website, MSG Myth . May God bless you as you seek to find healing for yourself.
I have always had a low body temperature. It has always been 97.6 degrees or lower...I was always told this was normal. Not a problem, right? Wrong! There is a doctor,
Dr. Denis Wilson, who has found a phenomenon with some people known as Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome or in other words, a low body temperature.
This syndrome causes a variety of issues because it has an effect on the thyroid gland. Now, if you go back and look at problems I have had, it seems that some of my medical problems might have started because of this syndrome. My mother has this syndrome. She now has been officially diagnosed with thyroid disease and three-quarters of her heart not functioning. I believe if she had been treated for this syndrome a long time ago, this would not be the case.
I'm getting ahead of myself. I finally talked my hubby into letting me go to a nauturopathic doctor. I knew several people who had been to her and they all had positive experiences. Sure enough, I had some food intolerance issues. Remember that leg rash. The leg rash that the M.D. did not know what it was or what caused it but he could give me some steroids or Prednisone...No, thank you..."Pills are made to be sold, not taken.." ... I had had that rash for five years. I figured it was something I was gonna have to live with like I did the back pain for many years....within three weeks, the leg rash was gone. I lost 20 lbs. without even trying to cut back on what I ate...other than avoid the foods that I have an intolerance to according to my naturopath.
One day, while sitting in her office, I read the sign "Do not take over-the-counter painkillers, allergy medications...etc., etc." and the thought was 'uh-oh'. I've taken this stuff all my life. "All of these medications can cause an impairment with your thyroid gland." Great! Just Great! I've gone and damaged myself for good. This was before I talked with my naturopath about Wilson's Syndrome. I was still having some issues. In fact, I was there because I had been feeling poorly for quite some time. Getting worse instead of better. When I first started, I felt great right away. Then I went on an eating plan to try and lose weight and wound up really doing some damage to myself. I had been reading about the Wilson's Syndrome and thought I'm gonna ask her about it.
The reason for this long posting, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. Through the dieting, I found that I get back pains if I eat sugar. I can do okay with small amounts of sugar like honey or maple syrup, but any kind of refined sugar and it immediately shows up in my left hip area which is where the back spasms always start. Weird huh? Then after being on the thyroid treatment, I notice almost all of my symptoms are gone. So between changing my diet and dealing with a thyroid issue which the AMA refuses to recognize unless forced to by strong-minded individuals, I am now better. So much better that I figure I should tell my story although I know there are some who will label me as another 'crazy conspiracy theorist' who just doesn't know what they are talking about much less being able to document it. I am talking about years of chronic pain, debilitating fatigue, muscle aches for no reason, taking two or three days to recover from one task, allergies, rashes, headaches, mood swings, (ask my husband about that one ;) ) night vision problems...I'm talking about all kinds of things going on that are now better because of two things changed...my diet and my thyroid treatment. I avoid my food intolerances and I'm receiving a thyroid medication for my thyroid which hopefully will help my thyroid heal itself.
If you have a low body temperature below 98.6 degrees, try to find a doctor who will help you. There are some out there who do care. I would suggest you not pursue this lightly as the medication is not a fix it all. It really helps those who need it, but it really hurts those who do not need it.
So with all of this said and shared, I really hope someone might find this useful. Some websites that have helped me through this are: Earthclinic , Wilson's Syndrome and my doctors at The Windrose Naturopathic Clinic.
I really feel like the Lord, Jesus Christ, has led me to find the answer to my many complaints and illness. For so many years, my health has hindered me. I am finding healing not only physically but spiritually and emtionally. God truly does not want us ill. I also have found answers at this website, MSG Myth . May God bless you as you seek to find healing for yourself.
Here's to My Health, Part One
I apologize...I have debated with myself for a long time whether or not I should blog on myself. I decided that I have had such improvement with my health that maybe it was worth it. If I could just help someone else to feel better.
My health history is long and involved. It started when I was very young. I grew up with yearly bouts of bronchitis. My mother always said "You sound like a hound baying on a hunt." I had the usual doses of Benadryl, Drixoral, Sudafed, various antibiotics, and numerous trips to the doctor. I was so thankful for these things that helped me to breathe. Along with the bronchitis, I had numerous ear infections and when I was five or so, my right ear was lanced to relieve the pressure. Little did I know that I would carry that scar for the rest of my life in the fact that I have a partial hearing loss due to that little 'minor' procedure. My father was a pharmacist and he always said, "Drugs are made to be sold, not taken." I always hear his voice when I receive a prescription from the doctor.
Then, I got married.
After a few years of marriage, numerous changes were coming into play in my life. I changed the way I ate due to the fact my husband would not eat meals 'out of a box'. He refused instant, processed food; so, I had to learn to cook from scratch. He is a very good cook himself. But all this aside, I believe it played a part in why I was not getting sick as much as I did when I was younger. However, from time to time, I would still get sick. One year I contracted the yearly bout of bronchitis. Same time every year you could count on it showing up. The cost of my medication, one pill for sixty bucks. SIXTY BUCKS!!!! Do you know how much money sixty bucks is??? Well I don't know about you, but sixty bucks is a lot of money to me. Even now days, I still consider sixty dollars to be alot of money.
However, as I mentioned in the labels of blog topics....I'm married to a conspiracy theorist. My dear hubby picked up my medicine, dispensed the ONE pill and within two weeks all signs and symptoms of the illness was gone. He started reading and what he read I read. At first I fought him on these issues. The typical brainwashed response "You don't know what you're talking about..." etc., etc. The more time that went by, the more natural approaches that I found, the better off I am....Amazing!
I found that I can drink a tablespoon of lime juice with one tablespoon raw honey in a cup of hot water and it stops my wheezing. I can drink a tablespoon of lemon juice with one tablespoon raw honey in a cup of hot water and got rid of my sore throat. I can drink one tablespoon of Apple Cidar Vinegar, unrefined, with one tablespoon of raw honey (has to be raw honey) in a cup of hot water and I got rid of my asthma inhaler. It will also bring up anything that needs to brought up respiratory-wize.... Amazing!!! No more money spent on costly inhalers. Again, I hear my father's voice "Whatever you do, don't take the inhalers. They'll kill you. Medicines are made to be sold, not taken."
We met other people who told us the benefits of colloidal silver, a retired Marine Colonel- we use this out in the field; other herbal remedies, natural remedies...it took time, many years, and sometimes quite scary episodes of waiting....but we waited and it worked. It worked so well that very seldom do we have to go to a doctor. It works, maybe not as fast as the usual route, but it works.
As I told you, this was gonna be long. One thing led to another and to another...I found that I was getting better but along side all of this, I had really bad allergies. Somebody would burn and instantly the smoke would cause a migraine headache. I would wheeze. My nose would stop up and basically I was non-functional. Just send me to bed because the lights might be on, but nobody was home. On top of this I developed a leg rash. I was still learning about the benefit of the above-mentioned treatments and had an episode where I was struggling to breathe. They gave me the usual inhaler. Over the years, I had developed a back pain. This so called back problem started when I was around 23 years old. The first time is still fresh in my mind. I had had some aches and complaints. My mother talked me into going to a chiropractor. After the visit, my back went into a muscle spasm. My butt and my neck were drawing up towards each other so instead of having an S-curved spine, my spine was curving in the shape of a C. My mother was driving the car and I started crying and screaming. Number one, it hurt. It hurt sooooo bad that I still remember it. It also scared me, hence the screaming. She took me straight to the emergency room. I was told to undress and put on the hospital gown. I was examined by the resident in training and told to put back on my clothes. My mother was out in the waiting room. So here I am all by myself, butt naked and can't bend over to pick up the panties lying on the floor. The resident, did I mention it was a guy, came back and snidely said, "You aren't dressed yet?" I was soooo embarrassed. I explained that I could not bend over to pick up the panties. His look said it all....."yeah, sure...." But truly, I could not bend over to pick them up. Much less do anything else. I was completely at his mercy.
Okay, this was after my cholecystectomy surgery, what? I had my gallbladder removed when I was 17. It was also another bad experience. So I have learned to not like hospitals or doctors. However, they do have their uses...but for the most part, I have studied so I would not have to go there so much. Besides, I like spending my money differently. Now, many years later, I find out that a lot of these medications caused the other issues. So from the very first time I took these medications I was setting myself for failure in my health later down the road.
This posting is turning out to be so long I am questioning on whether to continue, but I do feel it is important.
As I said, several issues were going on....the back, the allergies, the chronic pain, the skin rashes....life, stress... marriage and along comes a baby carriage.
My health history is long and involved. It started when I was very young. I grew up with yearly bouts of bronchitis. My mother always said "You sound like a hound baying on a hunt." I had the usual doses of Benadryl, Drixoral, Sudafed, various antibiotics, and numerous trips to the doctor. I was so thankful for these things that helped me to breathe. Along with the bronchitis, I had numerous ear infections and when I was five or so, my right ear was lanced to relieve the pressure. Little did I know that I would carry that scar for the rest of my life in the fact that I have a partial hearing loss due to that little 'minor' procedure. My father was a pharmacist and he always said, "Drugs are made to be sold, not taken." I always hear his voice when I receive a prescription from the doctor.
Then, I got married.
After a few years of marriage, numerous changes were coming into play in my life. I changed the way I ate due to the fact my husband would not eat meals 'out of a box'. He refused instant, processed food; so, I had to learn to cook from scratch. He is a very good cook himself. But all this aside, I believe it played a part in why I was not getting sick as much as I did when I was younger. However, from time to time, I would still get sick. One year I contracted the yearly bout of bronchitis. Same time every year you could count on it showing up. The cost of my medication, one pill for sixty bucks. SIXTY BUCKS!!!! Do you know how much money sixty bucks is??? Well I don't know about you, but sixty bucks is a lot of money to me. Even now days, I still consider sixty dollars to be alot of money.
However, as I mentioned in the labels of blog topics....I'm married to a conspiracy theorist. My dear hubby picked up my medicine, dispensed the ONE pill and within two weeks all signs and symptoms of the illness was gone. He started reading and what he read I read. At first I fought him on these issues. The typical brainwashed response "You don't know what you're talking about..." etc., etc. The more time that went by, the more natural approaches that I found, the better off I am....Amazing!
I found that I can drink a tablespoon of lime juice with one tablespoon raw honey in a cup of hot water and it stops my wheezing. I can drink a tablespoon of lemon juice with one tablespoon raw honey in a cup of hot water and got rid of my sore throat. I can drink one tablespoon of Apple Cidar Vinegar, unrefined, with one tablespoon of raw honey (has to be raw honey) in a cup of hot water and I got rid of my asthma inhaler. It will also bring up anything that needs to brought up respiratory-wize.... Amazing!!! No more money spent on costly inhalers. Again, I hear my father's voice "Whatever you do, don't take the inhalers. They'll kill you. Medicines are made to be sold, not taken."
We met other people who told us the benefits of colloidal silver, a retired Marine Colonel- we use this out in the field; other herbal remedies, natural remedies...it took time, many years, and sometimes quite scary episodes of waiting....but we waited and it worked. It worked so well that very seldom do we have to go to a doctor. It works, maybe not as fast as the usual route, but it works.
As I told you, this was gonna be long. One thing led to another and to another...I found that I was getting better but along side all of this, I had really bad allergies. Somebody would burn and instantly the smoke would cause a migraine headache. I would wheeze. My nose would stop up and basically I was non-functional. Just send me to bed because the lights might be on, but nobody was home. On top of this I developed a leg rash. I was still learning about the benefit of the above-mentioned treatments and had an episode where I was struggling to breathe. They gave me the usual inhaler. Over the years, I had developed a back pain. This so called back problem started when I was around 23 years old. The first time is still fresh in my mind. I had had some aches and complaints. My mother talked me into going to a chiropractor. After the visit, my back went into a muscle spasm. My butt and my neck were drawing up towards each other so instead of having an S-curved spine, my spine was curving in the shape of a C. My mother was driving the car and I started crying and screaming. Number one, it hurt. It hurt sooooo bad that I still remember it. It also scared me, hence the screaming. She took me straight to the emergency room. I was told to undress and put on the hospital gown. I was examined by the resident in training and told to put back on my clothes. My mother was out in the waiting room. So here I am all by myself, butt naked and can't bend over to pick up the panties lying on the floor. The resident, did I mention it was a guy, came back and snidely said, "You aren't dressed yet?" I was soooo embarrassed. I explained that I could not bend over to pick up the panties. His look said it all....."yeah, sure...." But truly, I could not bend over to pick them up. Much less do anything else. I was completely at his mercy.
Okay, this was after my cholecystectomy surgery, what? I had my gallbladder removed when I was 17. It was also another bad experience. So I have learned to not like hospitals or doctors. However, they do have their uses...but for the most part, I have studied so I would not have to go there so much. Besides, I like spending my money differently. Now, many years later, I find out that a lot of these medications caused the other issues. So from the very first time I took these medications I was setting myself for failure in my health later down the road.
This posting is turning out to be so long I am questioning on whether to continue, but I do feel it is important.
As I said, several issues were going on....the back, the allergies, the chronic pain, the skin rashes....life, stress... marriage and along comes a baby carriage.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
2010, An Analogy Involving Weeds!
I looked out over my yard and was discouraged by the site that was before my eyes. My son and I had worked very hard pulling weeds and it seemed we weren't getting very far in our battle against the invasion. It was an overwhelming task. Each day, it seemed there were still more plants to pull. The lawnmower was broken and we had received a letter from the county, "pull those weeds or we'll take care of it for you." We all know what is involved in that process. So as I was pulling weeds, I was complaining. Kind of like the Israelites complaining to the Lord. The Lord told me to put on a different pair of glasses and look at the weeds with a different set of eyes. What??? Yep, put on new glasses and look at the situation with different eyes.
I am such a negative person. My first reaction always seems to be negative. Whatever the situation, my response is usually negative. They say part of dealing with a problem is recognizing it and confessing it. So I am confessing, I am a negative person. I know this about myself and I dislike this trait about myself. I do hope one day it will be gone. That I will have a new trait, a happy, overcoming view of life. But back to my story....
I found this comforting as I really was kind of put out at the disorder, but yet I loved getting up each day and seeing what new bloom has come forth. Looking at my garden box, I will be very blessed if I get any thing from it this year, but I enjoy looking at the gift my children gave me. I did manage to weed it and I found I had four tomato plants, some carrots, a bean plant and possibly a corn plant growing in my garden box. Hopefully the cold weather will hold off and they will have a chance to produce, but if not there is next year, Lord Willing!
My Little Strawberry Patch... |
Although 2010 has been a very hard year for us, so , we are thanking God because he is very good to us. He takes care of all our needs.
Tomato Plant, I hope it makes it! |
A Gem Amongst the Weeds... |
Friday, July 16, 2010
Post script to today's thoughts....
I wanted to once again re-iterate that I am not perfect. I mess up all the time. I have to ask for forgiveness because I am a sinner. A sinner saved by grace because of the blood of Jesus Christ. The article I had read about scraping was not written from a Christian aspect. I guess what shocked me most was that I ran into this issue first on what was claiming to be a Christian viewpoint. So just in case you thought I was thumping you on the head with my Bible, well, I'm not....
Remember that song...???
"Oh the games people play now, every night and every day now...la, la, la." It's been years since I had thought about that song. It seems there is a new scam to be aware of if you blog - Scraping. I had read an article the other day and unfortunately, due to my menopause brain (or maybe it should be termed thyroid brain), I cannot remember where I read this article. But I found it interesting in the fact that people would actually copy another writer's blog article and pass it off as their own work.
Imagine my surprise when I actually ran into this behavior myself. I had read a friend's blog and because I really admire her walk with the Lord and her witness, I decided to check out one of the blogs she reads. The blog came up and it appeared so dazzling. Latest bells and whistles, cute little pictures and so eye-appealing...So I proceed to read the blog... Hmmmmm....this seems very familiar, wait a minute, I just read this, THIS MORNING! IN MY EMAIL! BY ANOTHER PERSON....authored by that person and nowhere on the blog did this person mention that person. I went back and double checked to be sure. This one person took this other person's article and posted it on their own blog with no link, authorship or credit given to the orginal writer. How much more could you be trying to pass off their work as your own???
Okay, back to the article, and I really wish I could remember where I read about scraping. The guy was upset and I don't blame him. He had put a lot of time into his article, you know, research, verifying facts, just to have someone come along and steal his article and pass it off as their own work. No mention or link to direct people to his site, just stole his work. Then, they act as if they have done nothing wrong and "Hey, man! What's your problem? Why are you so upset?" Pleeezzeee....You can't tell me they wouldn't be just as upset if somebody had stolen their article.
Now, now, remember, you are supposed to share and really, what does it matter?
Why does it matter? Because it is stealing. We are supposed to be Christians. Christians are not supposed to steal, lie, kill, etc., etc. You know, the Ten Commandments.
Hoo Boy, so how do I tell my friend that this blog she found...the person is scraping. It just seems, that in my life, I go from the frying pan to the fire, because I try to live as a Christian should...You know honesty, integrity, do good not evil.... So check your sources before you attribute an article to one person especially if they don't include 'written by' because it just might be written by someone else and they're trying to appear as if they are sooooo intellectual and talented and gifted..."oh the games people play now...every night and every day now, never saying what they mean now, nah, na, nah, nan ,na, nah...."
So for the lack of that person's integrity...the article was written by David Wilkerson and it was from his blog which you can sign up for to receive a copy in your email like I get in mine. and here is DAVID WILKERSON'S article...
David Wilkerson Today
Paul warned the Ephesians, "Be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14). You may think, "This verse doesn't apply to me. My foundation is biblically solid. I'm not taken in by all the new gospel fads and frivolous gimmicks that are distracting people from Christ. I'm rooted and grounded in God's Word."
Yet listen to the rest of Paul's verse: "…carried about…by the sleight of
men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive" (4:14).
Perhaps you can't be fazed by false doctrine. Paul says you could still be
carried away by a whole other matter. He's asking, "Are you tossed about by the evil plans of those who oppose you?"
Paul's message calls us to examine ourselves yet again: How do we react to
people who call themselves our brothers and sisters in Christ, yet spread
falsehoods about us?
When Paul commands, "Be no more children," he's telling us, "Those enemies of yours—the ones who use gossip and slander, fraud and manipulation, cunning and craftiness, deception and underhandedness—I tell you, they're all rebellious children. They're devious and spoiled. And they haven't allowed God's grace to do a work in them. So, don't fall for their wicked, childish games. They want you to react to their meanness as a child would. But you are not to answer them with childishness."
In the next verse, Paul urges us to move on to maturity: "Speaking the truth in love, may [you] grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ" (Ephesians 4:15). He's saying, "You can't help the slights you receive, the hurts done to you, the gossip spoken against you, the fraud and deception aimed at you. Yet, you can use these things to grow in grace. View them as opportunities to become more Christlike. Respond softly, with a meek spirit. Forgive those who spitefully use you."
Imagine my surprise when I actually ran into this behavior myself. I had read a friend's blog and because I really admire her walk with the Lord and her witness, I decided to check out one of the blogs she reads. The blog came up and it appeared so dazzling. Latest bells and whistles, cute little pictures and so eye-appealing...So I proceed to read the blog... Hmmmmm....this seems very familiar, wait a minute, I just read this, THIS MORNING! IN MY EMAIL! BY ANOTHER PERSON....authored by that person and nowhere on the blog did this person mention that person. I went back and double checked to be sure. This one person took this other person's article and posted it on their own blog with no link, authorship or credit given to the orginal writer. How much more could you be trying to pass off their work as your own???
Okay, back to the article, and I really wish I could remember where I read about scraping. The guy was upset and I don't blame him. He had put a lot of time into his article, you know, research, verifying facts, just to have someone come along and steal his article and pass it off as their own work. No mention or link to direct people to his site, just stole his work. Then, they act as if they have done nothing wrong and "Hey, man! What's your problem? Why are you so upset?" Pleeezzeee....You can't tell me they wouldn't be just as upset if somebody had stolen their article.
Now, now, remember, you are supposed to share and really, what does it matter?
Why does it matter? Because it is stealing. We are supposed to be Christians. Christians are not supposed to steal, lie, kill, etc., etc. You know, the Ten Commandments.
Hoo Boy, so how do I tell my friend that this blog she found...the person is scraping. It just seems, that in my life, I go from the frying pan to the fire, because I try to live as a Christian should...You know honesty, integrity, do good not evil.... So check your sources before you attribute an article to one person especially if they don't include 'written by' because it just might be written by someone else and they're trying to appear as if they are sooooo intellectual and talented and gifted..."oh the games people play now...every night and every day now, never saying what they mean now, nah, na, nah, nan ,na, nah...."
So for the lack of that person's integrity...the article was written by David Wilkerson and it was from his blog which you can sign up for to receive a copy in your email like I get in mine. and here is DAVID WILKERSON'S article...
David Wilkerson Today
Paul warned the Ephesians, "Be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14). You may think, "This verse doesn't apply to me. My foundation is biblically solid. I'm not taken in by all the new gospel fads and frivolous gimmicks that are distracting people from Christ. I'm rooted and grounded in God's Word."
Yet listen to the rest of Paul's verse: "…carried about…by the sleight of
men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive" (4:14).
Perhaps you can't be fazed by false doctrine. Paul says you could still be
carried away by a whole other matter. He's asking, "Are you tossed about by the evil plans of those who oppose you?"
Paul's message calls us to examine ourselves yet again: How do we react to
people who call themselves our brothers and sisters in Christ, yet spread
falsehoods about us?
When Paul commands, "Be no more children," he's telling us, "Those enemies of yours—the ones who use gossip and slander, fraud and manipulation, cunning and craftiness, deception and underhandedness—I tell you, they're all rebellious children. They're devious and spoiled. And they haven't allowed God's grace to do a work in them. So, don't fall for their wicked, childish games. They want you to react to their meanness as a child would. But you are not to answer them with childishness."
In the next verse, Paul urges us to move on to maturity: "Speaking the truth in love, may [you] grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ" (Ephesians 4:15). He's saying, "You can't help the slights you receive, the hurts done to you, the gossip spoken against you, the fraud and deception aimed at you. Yet, you can use these things to grow in grace. View them as opportunities to become more Christlike. Respond softly, with a meek spirit. Forgive those who spitefully use you."
Thursday, July 15, 2010
What do you say....
What do you say to someone who is discouraged? How do you help them find their way - Especially when you know this person has been giving it their all to follow the Lord. We all know the story of Job and how God allowed the enemy to test Job. But when it all becomes words and more words and you really don't have anything new to say or just do not know what to say...As much as I have tried to instill in my children that God is soverign and can do whatever He wants, sometimes, it just seems that God is not fair; that He does allow more than what we can tolerate. It becomes really hard when this person is your husband and best friend in life. When you have gone through all the troubles and trials with them and you have no answers, what's left?
Well, well???
I don't know. All I can say is COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS! Start calling to mind all the impossible moments of your life and remember what the Lord, Your God, has done for you. If the whole world deserts you, the Lord will still be there. He is still the one who makes the sun shine and hangs the moon in the sky.
They remind me of His awesome
ways and that He cares when it
appears no one else does.
This picture, of one of our cats,
reminds me God really does care.
How lonely and cold 'lil kitty' appears. Yet, we see God sending warmth by the sun shining through on a bitter, cold day. How much God cares for us to meet all of our needs.
I have to remind myself we really are in a battle. We have an enemy who does not want to see us succeed at anything. He wants to steal our joy and take away our peace. As so many prophecies have said, God is shaking. Yes, I believe there is a shaking going on today and that it is going to become worse as God allows the enemy to test us as He allowed him to test Job.
I look at our trials and thank God because despite our trials and troubles, they are not what some of my friends are going through and have gone through lately. In the dark times, there have been overcoming victories. Life was not exstinquished. Good won over evil. In what most would term a loss, they knew the Lord and their lives continue to give glory to God although they are no longer here with us.
So, I'm praying for all my friends who have been having their own worlds' shaken. I hope they will pray for us and Lord, could you please encourage my hubby today...Call to rememberance those moments in his life when life seemed hopeless and help him remember what great and awesome things our Lord, Jesus Christ, has done for him!
Friday, March 12, 2010
The Case for Truth...
My husband has two quotes that he says to me all the time. The first goes, "Remember, history is written by the Victors." The second quote says, " History is not necessarily truth." As a Christian, I never thought I would be found to say that the founding fathers of our country were not Christians. I can state that I do believe The Holy Bible is true. To find that some, not all, of the founding fathers were not Christian was a shock. You see, I had forgotten a very important lesson which God had taught me some time ago. Never trust the man, search it out for yourself. Read it with your own eyes before making judgement.
I have just finished reading the book by Tom Horn "Apollyon Rising 2012" . I do not and cannot say that he has it totally all right, but I would have to say that he pretty much ties up a lot of the loose bunny trails my husband and I have been trying to find answers to for quite some time. My husband prayed, when we made a major move, for God to show him the truth. We were both tired of the 'games' that so many Christians, and not just Christians, but people like to play. After a short while, I was beginning to seriously doubt my husband. I told him I thought it was very unfair for him to pray for God to show him the truth because that meant I had to face truth and I, quite honestly, didn't know if I was ready for the truth. Hold on, Baby! The ride's gonna get rough. God has taken so far from where we were in our walks as Christians. Basically, it was throw out everything you thought was foundational and start over based totally on The Bible. Funny how it always comes back to HIS WORD....It always was His Word and never did He mean for men to twist it so for their uses.
So back to the founding fathers...did they really say what we were told they said...Before you adamantly swear that they did, you might want to go search it out for yourself. Don't trust the preacher-man in the pulpit or the politician at the podium. If there is one thing the internet is great for, it is research. They have the original documents on line. You can read for yourself who said what. If you are brave, you can find where people have done the hard work for you...but again, take my warning..."Don't take my word for it, don't take your neighbor's word for it, your husband, wife, etc., etc. Go find out for yourself." I can guarantee you that you will come away with more insight and knowledge and maybe a better person for finding out for yourself who said what...
I have just finished reading the book by Tom Horn "Apollyon Rising 2012" . I do not and cannot say that he has it totally all right, but I would have to say that he pretty much ties up a lot of the loose bunny trails my husband and I have been trying to find answers to for quite some time. My husband prayed, when we made a major move, for God to show him the truth. We were both tired of the 'games' that so many Christians, and not just Christians, but people like to play. After a short while, I was beginning to seriously doubt my husband. I told him I thought it was very unfair for him to pray for God to show him the truth because that meant I had to face truth and I, quite honestly, didn't know if I was ready for the truth. Hold on, Baby! The ride's gonna get rough. God has taken so far from where we were in our walks as Christians. Basically, it was throw out everything you thought was foundational and start over based totally on The Bible. Funny how it always comes back to HIS WORD....It always was His Word and never did He mean for men to twist it so for their uses.
So back to the founding fathers...did they really say what we were told they said...Before you adamantly swear that they did, you might want to go search it out for yourself. Don't trust the preacher-man in the pulpit or the politician at the podium. If there is one thing the internet is great for, it is research. They have the original documents on line. You can read for yourself who said what. If you are brave, you can find where people have done the hard work for you...but again, take my warning..."Don't take my word for it, don't take your neighbor's word for it, your husband, wife, etc., etc. Go find out for yourself." I can guarantee you that you will come away with more insight and knowledge and maybe a better person for finding out for yourself who said what...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
It Was Soooo Much More....
This was my thought as I read the article in the "Reader's Digest" for the month of December 2009/January 2010. It wasn't an article as much as a blurb....On page 16, they had a short reference to Hanukkah. They give you the correct pronunciation, explain that it can be spelled with a Ch or an H; that it is not a major Jewish Holiday, which they are correct in this fact but - Maybe, it should be! Then they say - "What's the story? They tried to kill us; we beat them ; let's eat." I lost it. I mean I really lost it. Don't they know? Is this really all they think about Hanukkah? Haven't they heard? The miracle wasn't that they won the battle. They won many battles, hundreds of thousands died, not just thousands...one hundred eighty-three thousand in one day at one time, yet even that was not the focus of Hanukkah. That was merely a small point to the story. Hanukkah is totally about the fact that God provided once again for the Jews during a time of great affliction.
There is a lot MORE to this story. I am, by no means, an educated person. But, I do like Bible prophecy, hunting for truth, and being encouraged by stories of the underdog coming out on top. First, let's define a Jew. A Jew is a person from Judea. A Jew is an Israelite, but an Israelite may not necessarily be a Jew. We find the story of Hanukkah, yes, it really happened, in several books but I am going to limit myself to only a few references, a couple of which come from somebody elses' hard work off their web pages. All credit goes to them. This blog is simply my feelings about my reaction to someone elses' idea of Hanukkah. My sources are listed below if you want to search out more for yourself. Believe me, there are a lot more than these, I just found these to be rather concise. Also, for those who would immediately discount the story as myths and would say these are just stories consider the reference sources and the fact that you can find names and dates listed in other historical data. To the Christian who would immediately discount anything that mentions one of the lost books of the Bible as being unscriptural, consider the fact that the Bible mentions the book of Enoch which I mention because it gives witness to the fact that the books of Maccabees should be considered as historical books and not just discounted as being part of the lost books of the Bible. Sources are found below.
Hanukkah is known as the Festival of Lights. In the Holy Bible we find, starting in John, chapter 1, ...In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God...reading on down to verse 3 All things were made by him...verse 4, In him was life and the 'life was the light of men and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. And if you read on you will find that a man John the Baptist, was sent to bear witness of that light. For me, Hanukkah is about remembering God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Light. But that is another story....
I knew this would not be easy to write. You can't just takes years of battle and shorten it or try to explain the law that God gave to the Israelites to follow, which is a part of this story of this war. Nor can you take a miracle of God and reduce it to 'they came, we fought and won the battle, we ate...this story involves having to study history, having to do a little more research outside of the King James Bible if you really want to understand it which means then you have to address the issue of the Lost Books of the Bible which some people just can't handle although Jesus Christ quoted from the book of Enoch and Jude, verse 14 states 'the book of Enoch'. After all, Jesus referred to their books when teaching. Ask yourself the question, "What books were around during the time of Jesus?" The reason I mention the lost books is that you will find the story of Judah, our hero of the battle referred to in the blurb, in the Apocrypha - the first book of Maccabees. During one of these ongoing battles, the Jews fled to the wilderness to survive. During this time was one of their feast observances, and they were not allowed by the law to go out and buy or sell, not that they could anyway because they were hiding out in the wilderness. So they only had enough oil for the lamps in the makeshift temple for three or four days but not for the full eight days of this sacred observance. They found, just like they did when wondering around in the wilderness that God provides for His people. The oil lasted, and lasted and lasted, kind of like the energizer bunny. You know, it keeps going and going and going....God supplied all their needs. None of the lamps died or ran out of oil, flickered or even hinted at going out. They all burned steadily and strong. Hence, Hanukkah is observed as the Festival of Lights in rememberance of the miracle that God did for them. It was so much more than they came, we fought and won, and we ate.
My apologies for any misspelled words, lack of references, offenses if you find particular terms and titles offensive, and remember, I prefaced all of this by saying I am not an 'educated' person.
Reference Sources:
1. King James Bible
a. 1 Samuel 5: 1 through Chapter 6.
b. Matthew 23: 35
c. John, Chapter 1
d. Jude, verse 14
2. The New English Bible with the Apocrypha
a. First Book of the Maccabees
b. Second Book of the Maccabees
3. The book of Enoch (you can find this online)
4. http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/868262
5. http://reluctant-messenger.com/enoch.htm
6. http://www.jewfaq.org/holiday7.htm
7. http://divine.blogs.starnewsonline.com/11259/happy-festival-of-lights-yall/
8. http://www.kolel.org/pages/holidays/Chanukah_intro.html
There is a lot MORE to this story. I am, by no means, an educated person. But, I do like Bible prophecy, hunting for truth, and being encouraged by stories of the underdog coming out on top. First, let's define a Jew. A Jew is a person from Judea. A Jew is an Israelite, but an Israelite may not necessarily be a Jew. We find the story of Hanukkah, yes, it really happened, in several books but I am going to limit myself to only a few references, a couple of which come from somebody elses' hard work off their web pages. All credit goes to them. This blog is simply my feelings about my reaction to someone elses' idea of Hanukkah. My sources are listed below if you want to search out more for yourself. Believe me, there are a lot more than these, I just found these to be rather concise. Also, for those who would immediately discount the story as myths and would say these are just stories consider the reference sources and the fact that you can find names and dates listed in other historical data. To the Christian who would immediately discount anything that mentions one of the lost books of the Bible as being unscriptural, consider the fact that the Bible mentions the book of Enoch which I mention because it gives witness to the fact that the books of Maccabees should be considered as historical books and not just discounted as being part of the lost books of the Bible. Sources are found below.
Hanukkah is known as the Festival of Lights. In the Holy Bible we find, starting in John, chapter 1, ...In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God...reading on down to verse 3 All things were made by him...verse 4, In him was life and the 'life was the light of men and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. And if you read on you will find that a man John the Baptist, was sent to bear witness of that light. For me, Hanukkah is about remembering God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Light. But that is another story....
I knew this would not be easy to write. You can't just takes years of battle and shorten it or try to explain the law that God gave to the Israelites to follow, which is a part of this story of this war. Nor can you take a miracle of God and reduce it to 'they came, we fought and won the battle, we ate...this story involves having to study history, having to do a little more research outside of the King James Bible if you really want to understand it which means then you have to address the issue of the Lost Books of the Bible which some people just can't handle although Jesus Christ quoted from the book of Enoch and Jude, verse 14 states 'the book of Enoch'. After all, Jesus referred to their books when teaching. Ask yourself the question, "What books were around during the time of Jesus?" The reason I mention the lost books is that you will find the story of Judah, our hero of the battle referred to in the blurb, in the Apocrypha - the first book of Maccabees. During one of these ongoing battles, the Jews fled to the wilderness to survive. During this time was one of their feast observances, and they were not allowed by the law to go out and buy or sell, not that they could anyway because they were hiding out in the wilderness. So they only had enough oil for the lamps in the makeshift temple for three or four days but not for the full eight days of this sacred observance. They found, just like they did when wondering around in the wilderness that God provides for His people. The oil lasted, and lasted and lasted, kind of like the energizer bunny. You know, it keeps going and going and going....God supplied all their needs. None of the lamps died or ran out of oil, flickered or even hinted at going out. They all burned steadily and strong. Hence, Hanukkah is observed as the Festival of Lights in rememberance of the miracle that God did for them. It was so much more than they came, we fought and won, and we ate.
My apologies for any misspelled words, lack of references, offenses if you find particular terms and titles offensive, and remember, I prefaced all of this by saying I am not an 'educated' person.
Reference Sources:
1. King James Bible
a. 1 Samuel 5: 1 through Chapter 6.
b. Matthew 23: 35
c. John, Chapter 1
d. Jude, verse 14
2. The New English Bible with the Apocrypha
a. First Book of the Maccabees
b. Second Book of the Maccabees
3. The book of Enoch (you can find this online)
4. http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/868262
5. http://reluctant-messenger.com/enoch.htm
6. http://www.jewfaq.org/holiday7.htm
7. http://divine.blogs.starnewsonline.com/11259/happy-festival-of-lights-yall/
8. http://www.kolel.org/pages/holidays/Chanukah_intro.html
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Curiosity Killed The Cat!
Sometimes I am just amazed, flabbergasted, totally shocked at what you can find on the internet. Just when I thought the world was as evil and as wicked as it can become, somebody finds a new way to make it worse or to bring out the worse in mankind. I know we all have struggles because God's Word tells me that "all have sinned and come short of God." Not one, not just a few but all, Christians included. Apparently the net has reached the depth of Soddom and Gomorrah and that saddens me. It also makes me fearful. I have always used the net as a tool....sometimes for research, sometimes for fun, sometimes, well....sometimes life hands us things and we handle them in bad ways. But I was really shocked the day I heard percentages of net usage were 98% pornography, and the other 2% were for research, entertainment, and such. Now I have known this for quite some time, but today, the shock of all shocks, free sex website. Sign up to find whoever you want, whenever, whatever, and all for free. I feel stupid, dirty, and like I need to go get a shower now after checking it out to see....surely they wouldn't, couldn't.. THEY DID! This is going to make it so much harder for spouses who their husbands or wives weren't exactly faithful. It's going to tempt those who have these issues. It's NOT GOOD! God help us. More than ever we need you, Lord Jesus, to save us most especially from ourselves. I labeled this in the Bathroom topics because, well, I wish there was a big toilet to flush all these kinds of sites, news, info....down the big cesspool.
As they say, curiosity killed the cat. I am too curious for my own good. Kind of an 'Where Angels Fear to Tread' type of an attitude. Star Trek fans would put it, "keep your friends close, your enemies closer." Give you an inside edge so to speak...or maybe so the enemy would have you think....So not wanting to be totally negative, I want to leave you with this story which I have read before but most recently have read again. I can't remember names and places, but the gist of it goes....
A man was working in a bank. To teach them how to recognize counterfeit money, they did not give them counterfeit money to look at, touch, feel, handle. They gave them REAL money. They looked at it, studied it, touched it, felt it...They found most of the time they could recognize the fake money when it came through. The reason why was because they had handled the real thing so much of the time, they knew instinctly when the fake stuff was given to them. There was just something about it and they trusted that 'gut feeling' which most of the time led them to a right conclusion.
I am going to go read my Bible now for it is truth. It is real and it will give me that edge that when fake or counterfeit is being handed to me, I will recognize it.
As they say, curiosity killed the cat. I am too curious for my own good. Kind of an 'Where Angels Fear to Tread' type of an attitude. Star Trek fans would put it, "keep your friends close, your enemies closer." Give you an inside edge so to speak...or maybe so the enemy would have you think....So not wanting to be totally negative, I want to leave you with this story which I have read before but most recently have read again. I can't remember names and places, but the gist of it goes....
A man was working in a bank. To teach them how to recognize counterfeit money, they did not give them counterfeit money to look at, touch, feel, handle. They gave them REAL money. They looked at it, studied it, touched it, felt it...They found most of the time they could recognize the fake money when it came through. The reason why was because they had handled the real thing so much of the time, they knew instinctly when the fake stuff was given to them. There was just something about it and they trusted that 'gut feeling' which most of the time led them to a right conclusion.
I am going to go read my Bible now for it is truth. It is real and it will give me that edge that when fake or counterfeit is being handed to me, I will recognize it.
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