I looked out over my yard and was discouraged by the site that was before my eyes. My son and I had worked very hard pulling weeds and it seemed we weren't getting very far in our battle against the invasion. It was an overwhelming task. Each day, it seemed there were still more plants to pull. The lawnmower was broken and we had received a letter from the county, "pull those weeds or we'll take care of it for you." We all know what is involved in that process. So as I was pulling weeds, I was complaining. Kind of like the Israelites complaining to the Lord. The Lord told me to put on a different pair of glasses and look at the weeds with a different set of eyes. What??? Yep, put on new glasses and look at the situation with different eyes.
I am such a negative person. My first reaction always seems to be negative. Whatever the situation, my response is usually negative. They say part of dealing with a problem is recognizing it and confessing it. So I am confessing, I am a negative person. I know this about myself and I dislike this trait about myself. I do hope one day it will be gone. That I will have a new trait, a happy, overcoming view of life. But back to my story....
I found this comforting as I really was kind of put out at the disorder, but yet I loved getting up each day and seeing what new bloom has come forth. Looking at my garden box, I will be very blessed if I get any thing from it this year, but I enjoy looking at the gift my children gave me. I did manage to weed it and I found I had four tomato plants, some carrots, a bean plant and possibly a corn plant growing in my garden box. Hopefully the cold weather will hold off and they will have a chance to produce, but if not there is next year, Lord Willing!
My Little Strawberry Patch... |
Although 2010 has been a very hard year for us, so , we are thanking God because he is very good to us. He takes care of all our needs.
Tomato Plant, I hope it makes it! |
A Gem Amongst the Weeds... |
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