Monday, June 13, 2011

Living Next Door to the Dingleberries....Part One

I have to give credit to the name, Dingleberries, to my husband. 

Do you live next door to the Dingleberries?  We do.  I am also learning that to love someone can be very hard work.  The Bible tells us to love our neighbor as ourself.  Our neighbors are very trying.  It all started with the dogs and, pretty much, the relationship has gone to the dogs. 

We were around and about and one of the children calls out,  "Mom, Dogs!!!"  I proceed to pull the curtain back and peer out.  Sure enough, there was a dog.  I open the door and yell "GO HOME!"  The dog turns and looks at me.  Typically, in the past, when I have yelled at a dog, they tuck their tail and run.  This dog just stood there looking at me.  It is a veerrrry eery feeling to have an animal just turn and stare you down.  It usually is not a good thing and for a dog to do this states they are not scared of you.  They know it and you know it.  But back to the story, finally the dog saunters off on his own accord.  Make note to self, talk to hubby.

Next evening, my son goes out to the mailbox to get the mail.  Son comes back in and says, "Mom, there was a dog out there.  He came running up to me barking."  I asked what he did in response.  He said, "I just stood there.  Looked for a stick to pick up, found one, and then they called the dog home."  Okay, so they were out there and knew their dog was doing this...?  Should I mention this dog looks like it has a little pit bull in it?  Trust me, I am not one to degrade pitbulls.  I think they have a purposeful use if trained and treated right.  But when one has access to these dogs and they do not train and treat them right.  It's not the dog, IT'S THE OWNER.  Enough said. 

So again, back to the story, Hubby had asked son to walk the property and pick up trash where it blows in from other neighbors or people throw it out.  Son is out walking and again, dog comes running from their yard on to our property.  Can I also mention that it is usually two dogs or more?  So now, we can't even walk on that side of our property without it causing mayhem.  Next incident, we are eating dinner and we see this guy walking right behind our house.  Hubby jumps up to go out and see what is up.  I mean....he is right up less than 12 feet from the sliding glass doors on our house.  My son runs out behind his father.  We see two others running around the side, through the flower beds, on my strawberry plants, my little herb garden area, etc., etc.  Now hubby is getting kind of ticked.  He usually just kind of acts like no big deal.  But this behavior,  along with some other things, is starting to get irritating. 

The next major event, I am in the shower.  I get out of the shower, go into the bedroom to get dressed, and realize there is someone standing right outside my bedroom window.  I yell out, "Honey, there's someone standing right outside our window!!!"  He goes running outside to once again confront the neighbor who is chasing his dog.  Again, their stomping all over the flower beds.  The guy's daughter is standing outside our bedroom window.  The guy tries to skirt around the corner of the shop, and his daughter and son are running in different directions.  Should I mention that twice now, my husband goes out - calls to the dog and the dog comes right to him. 

The guy proceeds to speak very loudly to my husband, "Why are trying to sneak up on me?"  My husband asks him, "What are you doing on my property?"  The guy starts ranting about how long his wife has lived in this community and that gives him the right to walk anywhere he wants to including our property.  Ummmm, no, that does not give you the right to walk all over someone's private property...but we never did convince him of that point. 

Needless to say, at various points and times, there are dogs roaming on our property.  We cannot walk outside at any time without some dog barking at us, and we do not walk on that side of our property at all.  They have their dogs chained - sometimes, but the chain reaches about 20 feet inside of our property line.  I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little sick of the entitlement behavior attitude and I really do not know how the Lord meant for us to love people who are acting this way. 

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