Thursday, April 10, 2008

True Friends!

Ever wonder if someone was truly your friend. As a Christian, I find a true friend to be someone who will tell me the truth, no matter what. If that entails possibly losing a friend, it still should be a defining factor of a true friend. I have a very good friend who always tells me the truth. She'll ask, "How are things going?" And when I reply, she'll always counter with, "Is that so...well, what about???" ACCCKKKK, cough, cough, splutter, splutter....I could sooooooo scream and say, "You're not my friend!" But you know what, I would be wrong. She always points me back to the Bible. I told my friend, the other day, that I really appreciate her boldness to speak truth, no matter what. She responded with a laugh and said, "Who me? Bold. Noooo..I'm not bold at all." In that moment, she did appear rather vunerable. I continued with, "No, I am serious." I proceeded to explain how I felt.

My friend is like a compass for me, at this time of my life that feels like a raging sea, I can always count on Godly wisdom from her. I Thank God for my friend; that she always points me back to God in a matter of about one question. Her questions are never mean, never demeaning, never a put down. They are usually: One question that really gets you to stop and think about what it was you just said. That is a gift, to sum it all up in one question that shuts you up and really gets you to stop and think, hmmmm, what does the Bible really say about this issue. That is a gift from God, my friend, and I thank God that He has allowed us to meet and be friends.

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