Thursday, January 24, 2008

Yes, It's Another One!

My husband's grandmother, now passed on, was a wonderful example of a Christian. She was always giving, joyful and seemingly never unnerved by anything. She was all of 4'8” at the most. Her personality much larger than her size. As they say, dynamite comes in small packages. She loved passionately and what she didn't like, well, she let you know about that too, but always with style and grace. In the years I knew her, I only saw her get angry once. I used to ask her how she controlled her temper, and she always said, “Me? I've a horrible temper. I used to be a redhead you know.” Then she would chuckle and wink at me. She got me to start reading my Bible on a through the year plan by getting me angry at her one time. I think she planned that, but whatever, it was one of the best things I've ever started doing. But, the most amazing thing was, most of the time you didn't see her get angry, but you did know that she was disappointed and you had something to do with it. Can we say conviction? And, the funny thing was that it was something with you and not her. She had it right. She was never prideful or 'lording' it over you; always, always she was humble.

Grandma taught us lots of things: How to share freely, give of what we have whether it was time, money, or talents. She taught us little secrets that helped make lump less gravy. She had a wealth of knowledge. In the short time that I had the privilege of knowing her, she made me realize that I wanted to age like her. The females in my family don't tend to age too well as my husband loves to tell. I will admit it. So far, they tend to become angry and bitter. I hope that I can bypass that and become like Grandma, my husband's grandmother.

Where does the bathroom come in? have to know Grandma. Grandma had more energy than all of us combined. She loved to come and visit, spoil her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She loved to play games. She also cooked and cleaned. You could not get her to sit down and be still. She had more energy than anyone I have ever met. One time she came and wanted to help me in my garden. I told her I was happy to have someone helping me weed my garden. It was a job I hated. She taught me to love it. But, after about an hour, I was ready to drop. I kept looking at Grandma figuring, okay, she'll get tired and want to stop any minute now. Should I mention she was 90 years old at this time? So, we're weeding and right at about an hour I have to beg her, “Grandma, can we stop now, pleeeeeze?”

So back to the bathroom, Grandma had heart problems, hence my concern over her weeding and doing too much around the house. She had a stent placement. I was the only one, at the time, who could stay with her while she recuperated from the surgery. Her first day home from the hospital she wanted to get a shower. I told her okay, but I was staying right outside the door and if she needed me to call me. I did too. But after I hear her get out of the shower, I hear huffing and puffing and the shower doors rattling. I am like, oh my, she's having problems and is too proud to call me. That's Grandma. I knock on the door and ask, “Grandma, are you okay? “Yes dear, I'm fine.” is the reply. Okay, so I sit down and hear more huffing and puffing. “Grandma, what are you doing?” No answer. “Grandma?” No answer. “Grandma! Grandma, You'd better not be wiping down those doors.” Yes folks, the first, full day home from the hospital and she is in there rubbing down those shower doors. AGGGGHHHHH!!! We had a talk about that and despite my telling her it was not necessary, every day you could hear her rubbing down those doors. That's Grandma!

Grandma loved to tell us stories of what her life was like growing up. How as a young teenager she had to cook the family meals. The story of her first job and her having to walk home at night. A friend found out and gave her the means of protecting herself with a small hand pistol. One night, she tells the story of being followed by some young hooligans in a car. They pulled up beside her walking on the sidewalk and she proceeds to pull the pistol out and tells them she'll blow their heads off if they don't leave her alone. She laughed to tell the story, but she says, “in all actuality I was shaking like a leaf.” That's Grandma. Or the story when we were helping to go through things, after she had passed on, and we found, not one mind you, but two serrated butcher knives in the side pocket of her luggage. “What was Grandma doing with these?” We all laughed and was amazed airport security or somebody hadn't flagged her down. Someone else was like, “You don't mess with Grandma.” We pondered that one for days.

Grandma, thank you for sharing your wonderful wisdom with us - your love of life, friends and most of all, your love for the Lord. Your life was such a wonderful testimony of His divine love for us.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's Harder Than I Thought!

Blogging has turned out to be much harder than I figured. I thought that it would be simple. Hop on, type away. Either the creative genius has died or life really is hectic and interrupts. Mom can you do this? Honey, can you take care of that for me? Etc., Etc. Not complaining mind you... I just didn't think it would be this hard to put a little something up each day.

Another problem I have, believe it or not, is what to label my entries. So much of my life is interwoven. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a teacher. I am also the chief chef, maid, nurse, librarian, did I mention teacher? Teacher, not just a teacher of one subject mind you, but all areas of academia.

So how do I write about my joy as a mother when it was a success achieved in home schooling by my child and something they have learned. We're having soup today and managed to learn a new math concept all while preparing the family dinner. I find this harder than I thought. My life is incorporated of all of the above: Wife, Mother, Cook, Teacher, Counselor...It's not so easy to separate the parameters in my life. My children are entering a phase of their life where it frees me up to maybe have time to blog. Now where are all those creative thoughts I was mulling over.

Which leads me to another thought in regards to my blogging. I have realized that I feel very strongly about the things I write...such as the entitlement post. Events in my life have led me to form those opinions, the same as for most people. I really do not want to be 'preachy'. If I had to chose between justice or mercy, I think I would pick mercy. I know what I deserve as a sinner. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your saving grace. Please forgive me if I come across as 'judgemental'. I really am not trying to judge as much as figure out what pleases God and what doesn't please Him.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Give Me, Give Me, Give Me!!!

Well, life is seemingly getting back to normal. My children have returned to being the respectable, mostly responsible teenagers my husband and I have been working to raise to adulthood. It is a very nice feeling. I can't help but feel for the mother who now finds herself struggling with her older boys and their attitudes. I wonder, is it really their 'tudes' or the company they have been keeping. I told my children, got right up in their faces and said, “The only thing we are responsible to supply you with is food, clothes and a place to sleep. None of this other stuff that you get to enjoy is a right. It's a privilege!” Wow, what a concept! For the most part, you don't get things given to you in real life. If you want them, you work for them. Where have we endorsed this behavior with our children that they deserve everything out there to be just given to them. And more than just our children, it seems most people stand now days with their hands out and the attitude of 'give me, give me, give me'. I realize now some of my upbringing was very valuable in defeating this mindset I call 'entitlement'. My parents were quite older when they had me. I was the baby of five boys, the only girl. Guess how many times I got to play Barbies with five boys...Nope, it was more like indians and cowboys, cops and robbers, baseball, tag football, when they would even allow me, a girl, to play with them. But ask my husband, he's a blessed man. His wife knows how guys think and she loves most Sci-fi shows.

Okay, so back to my topic, entitlement behavior. Somehow, someway, the idea slinks through and people just think you are supposed to go get them whatever it is they want. Ummmm, No! You go work for it, you buy it and take pride and joy in the fact that you did a job well and, the use of whatever this thing was, that you wanted, is the joy you get from it. No wonder people are unhappy. They walk around looking for the next thing to be given to them and never mind that it costs someone a pretty penny. They didn't have to work for it. They don't appreciate it, so they really don't take care of it. Does it matter? No, 'cause they'll find some other sucker to buy it for them. I think my children caught the point of that message and really seemed to enjoy when we went out the other night and they found out that for their night of fun, it cost us over $100.00. There was a newfound look of respect in their eyes when they realize their parents really do love and care about them, want them to have fun, but not at the expense that it will run the family into the poor house. I asked them, “Was there anything we did here in this place that was worth $40.00?” and then my husband added on the comment that dinner and the tip for dinner succeeded in making the evening cost over $100.00. They were shocked but it was so worth the moment. Also in light of the fact that earlier that day we had discussed the Great Depression, Black Tuesday, and the 1920s. People might soon find that history is repeating itself once again, but my children know that we will be all right. God is faithful and true to take care of His people. We have committed unto Him our lives and He has yet to fail us or to not supply any of our needs, not our wants mind you, but our needs. But as my husband says, “God expects us to be wise stewards with what He has given us.”

I can't tell you how many times I have struggled with being the 'Mean Mommy Syndrome' because I am not doing this for my child. How others have made me feel like I am somehow failing my children because we didn't fork over the money for dance lessons, sports programs, the latest and greatest new technology. I even held resentment against my husband for such. However, I realize now I was wrong. I would have been depriving my children of lessons learned. Real life lessons that you don't learn in the school room, whether the school room is at home or in a public building or private. When the electricity goes off, will my children will be able to do math? the hard way, without a calculator. Will they be able to read and come to a logical decision for themselves why or why not this, whatever, is a good thing or a bad thing? Are we perfect? No, we are far from perfection. But they can reason. They can think. They have had problems and came up with answers to their problems for themselves. Is that a bad thing? They are dreamers, discoverers, explorers, and maybe, scientists in the making. I don't necessarily see this as bad. I am also not against those who have chosen to provide such things as dancing or sports for their children because I hope that deep inside of themselves they have asked that question, “is this what I need to do as a parent for my child?” If they have, in my book, it is not a problem. When they are not seeking guidance for their own families and follow others, it will fail every single time. Are we just keeping our children busy? Or, is this something that will help my child? I do hope one day to be able to give my daughter dance lessons. But I also tell her that my parents never paid my way, and the things I wanted to learn, I paid for when I got out on my own. My parents did good just keeping a roof over our heads, food in our tummies and clothes on our backs. It also helped to make me grateful for the privileges. I hope I can do the same for my children.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

It Happened Again!!!

Wow, time has flown. It is amazing to see how you think it has only been a few days and then it turns to weeks. Kind of like the time I thought I had called my Mom, and found out it was almost a month ago. ACCCKKK!!!!

Yes folks, I had another one of those wonderful bathroom moments. This time, I happened to be in the shower. I thoroughly enjoy my showers. I push the limit on staying in there. It is shameful, because I do know that it is important to conserve water and all of that stuff. But this time, it didn't take me long to get out of the shower. I was enjoying the flow of the water running through my hair, and just basically the warmth of the water. Did I mention that I really love my showers? So any how, I had just finished washing my hair and rinsing it. It is quite a task as I have really thick hair, so I must rinse it alot to make sure all the suds are out of it, conditioner, etc. I turned and something caught my eye on the floor of the shower. The water is running. Life is happy and then I realize...

There is a Black Widow spider scrambling for its life on the floor of my shower, with me, while I am taking my shower. AAAAGGGHHHHHAAAAGGGHHHHAAAGGGHHH!!!!!! Okay, so what do I do? Do I just forego the shower? Um, no, I needed my shower. Nothing is going to deprive me of my shower. I rapidly decide to finish the job in extra quick time all the while keeping an eye on my enemy, ummm, excuse me, friend who is still trying to hang onto life in this world. Did I happen to mention that I have a bad back? Yep, every now and then I move the right way, or is that the wrong way, and out it goes. The last time all I did was sit down in a chair. Ask my children, they'll tell you. That little episode put me in bed for two days and three heavy pain pills later. Oh, sorry, that's another story in itself. Okay, so back to the spider...I proceed to check my towel for another one, just in case there is a partner in crime. I step out of the shower, all the while twisting and kinking to keep my eyes on this spider which is still scrambling around. After I am dressed, I find that - Gee, my back is aching. Wonder why? I am sad to say that the spider did not make it; okay, I am not really sorry. I don't much care for spiders. Not after I was bit by one and had a lump the size of a half-dollar.

Which reminds me that I did have another bathroom moment and there was a spider on my towel. It reminded me why I should never move to Arizona, New Mexico or one of those states that has critters like scorpions running around. I would be bitten for sure....

Life has somewhat returned to normal here. I am happy to say my children are behaving like my children again. A few months ago, as a neighbor of mine would say, "Aliens have kidnapped my child." I could totally relate. Aliens had kidnapped my children because they sure weren't behaving like my children. After a few revisions, explaining that life is not going to continue in this way, things are going well lately. My daughter had this idea of doing school her way. I told her I had no logical reason why she could not do as she had planned except that I didn't know of anyone else who had done such. Well, the first goal planned went well. She was happy. I was convinced she was ruining her life. Be quiet, be patient. The Lord spoke to me, my husband reassured me. It will be all right. Um yea, right...she is ruining her chance at choice later on, this is not good. Be patient, be quiet. Well, the next planned goal came. The very first day all did not go as planned. She came out very humble and quiet and said, "Mom, would you pleeeezzzeee help me?" You know I could have really gotten nasty with her, but I didn't. I quietly explained that all I ever wanted for her was the best; that I would be more than happy to help her. But in helping her, she had to listen to me. That I really wasn't out to run her life. I want her to be independent. To be the person God has called her to be, and to not throw those gifts away.

So to make this all short, I have learned in this season of experimenting that truly God does lead us concerning our 'own' family, not others' families. What works for you did not work for me. We tried it the way others do school, we were lost and confused. We are now back to our plan and schedule and life is at peace. We're all happy. I am sorry for the wasted times where I doubted what God had told me, questioned my own ability only to lose ground and we are just getting back to where we were before we took this detour. May you have the strength to walk the path God has called you and your family to travel.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

You Just Gotta Be in the Mood!

Whatever it is, you just gotta be in the mood! Drawing, nope, playing the piano, no, singing, no, reading, no, blogging, nope, it just does not work if you're not in the mood. That goes for learning things too. We've started a new schedule in our home-schooling efforts. This is the year of experimenting all in an effort to bring a joy of learning back to our home. I have been doing this task of home-schooling for eight years. I've been driven. I've burned my children out and myself. So in an effort to find joy, we have deviated from our course to return back to the style of schooling which was at the beginning of our journey. We have traveled from there to here to find that what we initially were doing was right for our family. That is the thing about most home-schoolers. If we doubt ourselves at all, we will jump through all kinds of hoops to correct whatever the problem might be to make sure our children are learning. But we come into home-schooling with all kinds of expectations and when we feel that we are not measuring up, is just so easy to say, "well, I must not be doing something right." Only to find out after we have been over the mountain, under the mountain, through the mountain - to find that we had already arrived before we began.

So, here we are, back to school like we began. My children are highly auditory, some visual learners. In other words, they like to talk about what they are learning. They like the format presented in a format that requires me to read to them. Puuh-leeeze, they are teenagers. Can't they read for themselves? I started buying into what others were doing... I must have free time. I must have Me time. I must or else I will not be a good wife or mother. So, I sacrificed my children on the altar of 'Me Time'. It will make them independent. It will make them responsible. Think how far ahead they will be...After two years, I found that I missed my children. My children missed me. They didn't get any smarter or capable than they already were. In other words, we believed a lie.

I am finding that yes, I do need me time, but not necessarily in the way others say you must find it. Weird how we have this need to follow the herd and then we find out that God created each of us uniquely and the herd instinct doesn't fit anymore. I am finding this true in almost every area of my life. God does not expect me to be like my other Christian sisters. He created us all different to be the person that He wants us to be for Him. What might make one sister a good wife to her husband, would drive another sister's husband totally crazy. All of us are unique. There is no pat formula that brings success to anyone's walk with Jesus Christ other than being obedient to what He asks us to do for Him.

Might I encourage you to walk in the path that He has chosen for your family. We can all take advice and use the truths we find evident in our lives. But remember, what works for my family will not work for your family because that is not how God works.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Restrooms and life

I believe the circumstances and events in one's life helps to make that person. No wonder I am such a neurotic mess. Remember I mentioned that I happened to be in the restroom when I experienced my first earthquake. Well, I always seem to be in the restroom when something dramatic happens. I was visiting my friend and had to use the restroom. While in the restroom, the UPS guy came to her house to drop off a package. She had this horrible small hill in her driveway which you had to come down to get to her house. Being that we live in an area of snow and ice...yep, you guessed it. The poor UPS guy parked his truck on the hill, proceeded to the front door and when answered was told his truck was sliding down the driveway, right into the house. Thump, kah-boom, crash.....all the while I am in the restroom. I don't think I'll ever feel right using the restroom without wondering what else is going to happen. My friend got a new garage door and some remodeling of her house. Whew boy! I am really beginning to think one day that dream, ummmm, nightmare is going to happen. You know, the Jackie Chan one...

More stories....I have even more stories involving restrooms. But then I think, dignity, where's your dignity? Acccckkk!!!!! Talking about the restroom with all the world to see that is so not me. Besides some of these stories are really not mine to tell but are part of a family's time during hard times. Like facing a loved one who has cancer and basically, the person is not their self. Is it fair to share those items? I remember I wrote a short story telling of such because at the time I found it quite baffling that we could be crying and the next minute, laughing. It truly was, as Dickens would say, the best of times and the worst of times.

So do I tell about Dad and his pot. Will Mom ever speak to me again if I do so? Nah, I think I'll just reminisce with my family on this one.

Speaking of which, what of people who do good deeds. I have experienced the goodness of people and always wondered how I could let those people know that they really helped someone in a hard place. I was on my way home, to where I was born, from my home where I now live. I had been given the call, if you want Dad to see his grandson, you need to come now. So I was traveling with a three-year-old and a six-month-old who weighed so much he couldn't sit up by himself. The airline was not good. But, while trying to get to my connecting flight, this gentleman took time out from his trip to help me get to my gate. He took the bags while I held my daughter's hand and toted my son. I stepped on the edge of my son's baby blanket, slipped and fell flat on my back. He was so very kind as to help me up. I made the plane with a few minutes to spare, just a few. I don't think I would have done so on my own. I also think I was probably in a full blown panic attack without knowing it. But I thank God for those people who do good deeds because there have been some in my life and they are truly angels doing God's work. My daughter still has the spotted, stuffed puppydog that one lady gave her, helping her during a hard time on a flight.

Friday, January 4, 2008

So Who Comes Back To Post On The Same Day!

Until I decide what colors I really like, you'll probably see my entries changing colors a lot.

I came back to say, what a crummy day! My two children and I go to the effort of getting ready for co-op, yes, we are home-schoolers, and after getting dressed, snack made and ready to go, we go to the car only to find the windshield wipers are not working. What is so bad about that right, except that it is wintertime and today, we have been having lots of rain. Hmmmm, do I drive looking out a windshield that resembles looking through a fishbowl? I don't think so...

So here we sit, and here I decide to work some more at this blogging stuff. I have so many stories, so many memories....but I'm off to search and see what is acceptable and what is not. Do I post this story? If I post this story, so and so is not going to talk to me anymore. What a dilemma?

All my fears and the fact that I am a transplanted Floridian now living in the Pacific Northwest. I can handle hurricanes and tornadoes, but how do you handle firestorms and earthquakes. ACCCKKK!!!! Then of course my paranoia comes true, such as the first earthquake I experience living here in the beautiful Northwest, I am in the bathroom. Yes folks, the bathroom, using the bathroom and all I can envision is that scene in the Jackie Chan movie where the lady was using the restroom and the side of the building came off for the whole world to see. Talk about trauma. I don't think I slept good for two weeks after that experience.

I hope to be able to talk about all aspects of life here: marriage, children, faith, philosphy, and maybe even politics. But please, let's be nice and respectful to each other 'cause there sure is a lot of meaness in the world already.

I've Joined the World of Blogging...

January 4, 2008

I have kicked around this idea of blogging for several years. Do I or do I not blog? Am I even smart enough to figure this 'net' stuff out? Do I really have anything of value to say? My own personal journey of surfing has been that I really enjoy message boards because I enjoy the input people have to give advice; and best of all, you get to pick the advice you like!

So, I am taking my first step into this world of blogging, thinking what the ??? Like I am actually going to let the world see my deepest, most intermost thoughts...Ha! but yet, most likely I will as this is truly how I tend to be in real life. What you see is what you get because I have played the games of putting a mask on and living alternate lives. I no longer chose to do such things. I am a flexible person. I am a caring person. But don't expect me just to take your advice without checking it out. I have lived to long and no longer fall for that one.

I know I am going to make mistakes. I hate having to learn new things out in public. I am a very private sort of person, hence the decision whether to blog or not to blog. But I have decided that I have some life experience that might help others as surely others have helped my life out. So be patient with me as I am learning this thing of 'how to blog'.